Chapter 16: Fear is a great substitute for love

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Helena and Darien smiled.

 “We’ll be drug dealers. That is so bad!” Helena grinned.

I rolled my eyes. I knew they would like the idea.

“Great. Komar will send a sample of the blood so that you can test it. We might need to dilute it for weaker vampires.”

I sighed. Great, I was setting up a drugs deal.

Helena put a hand on my arm. “Why do I get the feeling that you disapprove of this?”

“Because I do. But she will kill everyone that gets in her way, including me.” I said bitterly.

“Can’t you get her out? Like you did with Dravec?” Darien asked.

I shook my head. “No, she is much stronger than he ever was.”

“And Komar has been changing my body for centuries, to avoid me deciding to ditch her. I already have trouble controlling it now she is out. I am afraid I will be trapped in here alone, unable to do anything, if I force her out.”

“F*ck.” Helena said.

I shifted uncomfortably and didn’t know what to say.

“There must be something that we can do…” Helena said desperately.

I remained quiet. There really wasn’t anything I could think of that would help us out of this shitty situation.

Darien stood there with a frown on his face.

“You do still have access to all your primary functions when she is in control?” he asked.

“Yeah. I think I do. I am the host, so she never can push me completely in unconsciousness.” I said thinking hard.

“Can’t you menace her with a random fall out of functions?” he suggested.

“Guerrilla tactics.” Helena added grinning.

I smiled from ear to ear. That was an excellent idea.

“Darien, you are a genius.”

We discussed our tactics for about an hour, Helena serving us drink after drink. They really had the most delicious cocktails I ever had. I was impressed.

However, the crowd in front of the bar was getting rough and Helena was eager to perform.

She pushed me to stay for the show but I wanted to get back to the palace and check up on Zea before Komar tried to regain control.

I said goodbye to both, hugged Helena, and Gerald leaded me back to the car and we drove back to the palace.


Yes. Is it finished?

Yeah, they agreed.


I felt her trying to regain control.

Just a few more hours, I want to catch up with old friends and talk to Zea.

Okay. Fine. Call me when you are ready.

Thank you. See you later.


Peter’s POV

Anastasia hit the wall with her fist on her way out.

I smiled. She was so sexy when she was furious. I couldn’t wait to get that little hellfire in my bed.

She would forgive me eventually and judging from the heat of her response just now, we were going to have a lot of fun.

Fangs in SpaceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz