Chapter 20 - Part 2

Start from the beginning

"How much longer do we have to wait then?"

"Not long."

"I'm scared. I mean, I have read a few things on the ceremony, but I never actually studied it. What if I do something wrong?"

"The ceremony itself is simple. The Council will announce that the ceremony is commencing, and Jake will take his place next to the altar. Yes, Jake insisted on presiding over the whole thing. His first official act as a healer. We'll walk up and I'll leave you there standing across the altar from Ben. After that, you just follow the prompts on your vow sheets."

My eyes grow wide. I can't believe I'd forgotten that.

"Mona, what is it?"

"My vow sheet, I left it in my room!"

"Calm down."

She reaches into her purse and removes the envelope that contains my letters.

"I sent a guardian into your suite to make sure you remembered everything after Luca picked you up."

I let out a sigh of relief until I realize I had also forgotten to call Peter and have him bring the third box downstairs. "The ceremonial box..."

"Relax. It's been taken care of. You are acting like a nervous bride."

I can't help it – I feel like a nervous bride. Sweaty palms and cold feet included.

I still have time to wait, so I decide it is a good time to review the vows before the ceremony so I don't make a fool of myself or Ben.

I am so focused on the vows that I don't realize that Lois has left the room until I hear the door open. I look up and she is standing in the door with a proud smile.

"It's time."

She helps me put the necklace and tiara on, steps back to take one last look to make sure everything is perfect. We exit the office one at a time.

As I step out of the office, I notice the gym is once again packed, only this time I can't hear anything. Not even a hint of a thought. Either these are some brainless zombies or something is wrong.

I freeze.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone is watching me, but I can't hear anything they are thinking. "It's quiet."

"That's good."

"I mean I can't hear any of their thoughts. Not even a whisper in the back of my mind. Something is wrong."

I turn around to head back into the office.

Lois reaches out and puts her hand on my shoulder. "It's supposed to be."

"Not for me. I always hear something."

"The Council has put a temporary block on your telepathy. That's what they were attempting to do yesterday when you collapsed. You need to be at total peace and have complete focus during the ceremony."

Makes sense since I am about make a life-altering commitment to someone besides myself.

We turn back toward the crowd and I wonder how on earth we are supposed to make it through all the people that are standing between us and the altar. Lois doesn't pay them any attention though and just starts walking forward.

As we reach the crowd of people, they step back out of the way to make room for us. As we pass they return to their original places. They never take their eyes off of me.

The crowd continues to ebb and flow around us until we reach the ornate marble pillar. Ben is standing there waiting for me. He's smiling like he just won the lottery. And I guess in his eyes he has.

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