Chapter 13 - Part 1

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We are all standing in the gym, seventy-five of us in total. Seventy-three guardians, one healer, and me. Even though Lois has been thoroughly trained as a guardian, and has maintained her training over the years, it was decided that she would be evacuated with the others. I am grateful for that since she is one of those overprotective parents that would panic at any sign of danger. I don't want to even think about what would happen if one of us gets hurt.

After completing a quick head count to ensure everyone is here, John calls the meeting to order. He asks if anyone has any ideas about how to proceed. One guardian suggests a plan similar to Johnson's. Another suggests we run. Somebody else thinks we should go on a full offensive and hunt Abaddon down.

As each plan is outlined in excruciating detail by its proud creator, John points out the obvious and not so obvious flaws in it.

* * *


I can't believe they can't come up with anything better than what we did. Once my dad is convinced that nobody else is going to step forward with anything new to add, he gives in and announces that the best course of action is Mona's plan.

I follow Mona to the front of the group, pulling a white board with a crude map of the area drawn on it behind me.

Everyone turns their attention to us.

One of the guardians steps forward. "Why haven't you evacuated yet? You're the one in danger. You should get to safety and let us do our job."

The entire team tenses. I scan the room in search of any sign of danger. One thing we can't afford is to be taken by surprise by those we trust the most to protect us.

"Relax. They are just concerned with my safety, the same as you."

I relax a little and the others follow suit. I am pleased to see that they are working so well with me and that they follow my lead without hesitation. It was one of my greatest concerns when I took this assignment.

* * *


I turn my attention to the group and begin to explain my plan. "My presence is necessary. Since I'm the one Abaddon wants, he will be more apt to believe I want to come with him. It will take a little creativity, but I think I can convince him that I'm miserable here and that I'm willing to do as he wishes."

"Well, how are you going to do that?"

I am not prepared to divulge everything yet. I still don't know who the she is that Abaddon referred to. It could be somebody in this room.

"At this point, the how is irrelevant. More important at this time is how best to take full advantage of the situation."

A guardian in the back of the group steps forward. "I realize that you are Abaddon's daughter and that John has total faith in you, but how can we be sure that this will work? Have you seen it?"

Before I have a chance to respond, John intervenes. "If Mona believes this will work, so do I. I will be the first to admit that I'm not happy with this idea, but it is our best chance at success. I think you will all agree once you've heard the plan. So please save any other questions you have for after she has finished."

With the room in complete silence, I take my cue and continue explaining the plan.

I point to the crude drawing on the white board. "We are here, on the northeast corner, and this is where he'll expect to find me. So that's where I'll be. Sitting on the steps, alone. Ben will be just inside the door behind me. I will keep an open connection with him so you'll be following his cues. There are many places in the immediate area that will serve us well in concealing your presence. The most important thing to remember when getting into location is to keep me in your direct line of sight while hiding yourself so that nobody can see you. Utilize trees, parked cars, and buildings. Anything that will keep your presence obscured until you get the signal to move in."

I point to a different location on the map. "The warehouse here is tall enough to obscure your presence if nobody is expecting you to be here, so we'll want several people that can land a jump safely from that distance."

I move my hand to the third quadrant. "The storage facility will be a little harder to conceal yourselves in since the buildings are only single levels and are somewhat spread out. Since it will be nearly impossible to see me from any suitable location, you'll need to watch for the others to move in. Given the distance you'll need to travel, we'll want our fastest people here."

I point to the final location on the map. "The park is very dense. Finding ways to conceal yourself here should be easy given the number of trees."

I turn back to the group of guardians. "Remember, we can't give any indication that I'm not alone until we have them where we want them. If they sense a trap, they'll abandon the peaceful attempt and go with his original plan of killing everyone to find me.

"One final note. We'll want to split the groups up so that we surround them evenly."

One of the older guardians steps forward. "It sounds like it might just work. My only concern is for you. Why don't we put someone else in your place and get you to safety?"

"Once I initiate a telepathic link with Abaddon, I will convince him that I am his daughter. He'll be skeptical at first, but I will find a way. Once that conversation takes place, he'll know immediately if we use a decoy."

"How can you be sure he'll believe you?"

I have no idea how to answer that, but they deserve an answer. "I'm the object of his desire. I will be able to prove to him that I am who I say I am. How I intend to do that, I won't know until I make contact."

"What happens if we fail?"

I don't have a chance to answer because Ben steps between me and them. "Failure isn't an option. If you fail we all die, and that is not going to happen."

"I'm pretty sure that sums up what needs to be done, so I will go try to make contact with Abaddon. The rest of you should start deciding who's going to which location, then split up for individual planning. If you have any other questions, please direct them to John. Good luck everyone, and thank you for your service."

I turn my attention to Ben and my other guardians. "Let's go back to my suite. I'm going to need privacy and focus."

We arrive upstairs and I instruct Ben and the others to wait in the main area while I attempt to make contact. I need to really focus my attention since I've never met Abaddon in person, and having anyone in the room will be too distracting. I close my door and try to ignore the voices in the other room. I go straight to my chair by the window and sit down. I close my eyes and picture Abaddon, using the images I saw in previous dreams and visions.

I clear my mind of everything else and repeat his name over and over in my head. After several minutes, I realize that it isn't working. Whether it is because I've never met him or because I am too far away, I don't know. Coach Baxter once said that my telepathy had certain limitations, but we never tested them. I decide that now is the best time to test it.

I open my door and tell Ben what I need.

Johnson volunteers to let me into his head while he drives until he can't hear me anymore. I keep a constant connection with him as long as I can.

Everything stays clear for the first mile. The second mile is more difficult and requires more concentration than the first, and by the end of the third the connection is severed altogether.

Perfect. I have to get within three miles of him to make contact, and the closer I am the clearer the connection will be.

While we wait for Johnson to return, I call John to let him know what I learned. He says he will make arrangements for me to go with a pair of more experienced guardians to try again.

Once Johnson is back, John calls me and lets me know that my ride is ready. I hug Ben and tell him I'll be back soon. I know telling him not to worry is a waste of breath, because he always worries when he isn't with me, so I don't bother.

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