Chapter 16 - Part 2

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"Absolutely not. I told you I'm not leaving you alone."

"Please, I really need to be alone for this." He shakes his head.

Ugh, he can be so stubborn sometimes. "You'll be able to protect me better if you're outside."

"How do you figure?"

"Well, the van is empty, right? Which means that any threat has to be coming from outside. If danger presents itself and you're in here with me, then you have to take the time to get out."

My logic seems to work. He climbs out of the car and closes the door.

I lean back against the seat, close my eyes, and prepare to make contact one last time. As I'd told John earlier, the connection is much easier to make, and I am in Abaddon's head almost right away.

"Where are you, Father?" I let a bit of my fear into my thoughts, which isn't hard because I'm scared to death. "Please, help me."

"You don't really expect me to fall for another of your tricks, do you?"

I let a little whine seep into my thoughts for added effect. "It's not a trap. After they brought me back here they locked me away in a room without food or water for hours. They sent in strange men to question me. It hurt when they were in the room."

"I'm no fool, child. I won't be embarrassed a second time."

"I have no one else. You're the only one that can help me. Please don't let them kill me, Father."

I can tell by the tone in his thoughts that he is suspicious. "What did they want to know?"

"They must have asked me a hundred times where you are. When they realized I couldn't tell them where you were, they threw me out into the street. Please come help me. I'm afraid they might decide to kill me, Father. Please help me."

"I'll come get you again. But make no mistake, if this is another trap I won't hesitate to kill you myself."

I sever the connection, knowing we don't have much time. I open my eyes and motion for the guardians to get in.

Once they are inside, I tell them that Abaddon is on his way and we need to get to the center fast.

The driver turns the key and puts the car in drive. He turns the car around and makes the tires squeal when he hits the gas.

We make it back to the Center in record time. Four minutes to travel eight miles, I didn't even realize that cars could go that fast. I had Ben call John, so he and the other guardians are already in place when we arrive.

Everyone piles out of the car, except the driver, who pulls around the corner to park the car.

I find a tree with a guardian in it at the edge of the park. I remind him to wait for my cue to drop. I position myself in the street, about five feet from the tree. I lower my body to the ground and start pulling my body toward the tree. I take my time, making it appear that I'm too weak to walk. I ensure that the asphalt has plenty of opportunities to shred my clothes. It does an excellent job—I look like I pulled myself five blocks instead of five feet.

I am just reaching the base of the tree when I spot Abaddon coming up the road. I pull myself into fetal position and force myself to start crying.

Abaddon reaches for me and I cringe away.

"For the love of Talonia, what have those monsters done to you?"

I can't believe he's falling for it.

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