Chapter 13 - Part 2

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"I'm going with you."

"Ben, I need you here."

"I'm your guardian, my place is by your side."

"I need you here, preparing with the others."

"I'm prepared."

"Ben, please. You promised you would do what I asked without question."

She's got me there. "Promise you'll be careful?"

"I'm not even getting out of the car. I'll be just as safe as I am right here next to you."

I nod. "I'll be here when you get back."

"I'll be back soon. Try not to worry."

I watch as she closes the door and the car pulls away from the curb.

I wish there was more I could do.

* * *


Once we are in the car, one of the guardians speaks. "Which direction should we go?"

I think for a moment. "Let's start with north. If that doesn't work, we'll go south. After that, we'll see."

"How far should I go?"

"Let's start with two miles, that way if I get a connection it will still be strong enough to get through clearly. We can always go farther on the next attempt if I come up with nothing."

Once we reach the two-mile mark, we pull off to the side of the road and sit in silence. I try to focus my attention on Abaddon, but there are too many distractions. I can hear every breath they take. Every heartbeat reminds me of the stakes.

I can't take it anymore, and ask them to please step out of the car and give me privacy. They reluctantly agree and get out of the car, leaving me with the silence I need to focus.

I lean back and rest my head on the headrest. I let my body relax and my mind become empty. I begin picturing Abaddon for the second time today and think only of him. And for the second time today I am disappointed by my inability to open the connection. Our entire strategy is centered around my ability to make contact, and so far I have failed.

I roll my window down and tell the guardians that we need to head south. They hurry to get inside and soon we are heading south.

I can only hope that I am indeed capable of making this connection. It isn't just my future hanging in the balance. It is the future of an entire planet. I can't afford to fail again. The fate of my people rests solely in my hands. The hands of a sixteen-year-old girl who, until recently, didn't even know who she really is. A shiver runs down my spine when I think about how much is riding on my ability to make this connection.

We make it four miles south, the two back to the center and the two south of there, and it is time to try again. Once again I ask the guardians to leave me alone so I can focus.

I close my eyes and focus once again. Another failure.

I signal the guardians and we head to the next destination.

After checking in all directions and failing each time, I instruct the guardians to return me to the school.

True to his word, Ben is standing in the exact spot he was when we left. I climb out of the car and allow him to inspect me for injuries.

"I'm all right."

"Did you make contact?"

I shake my head. "I just don't get it. We're running out of time."

"Maybe you should try somewhere that you've seen him."

I hadn't thought of that. "That's actually a great idea. Thanks! We'll be back!"

I jump back in the car and give directions to the guardian.

When we arrive, I attempt to make contact again. This time I succeed.

Where could she be? She has to be around here somewhere. I will find her.

Perfect, I finally made contact. Now I just have to figure out what to say to him.

"Hello, father."

"What? Who are you? Where are you? How did you get into my head?" Am I losing my mind?

"You aren't losing your mind, Father. I'm telepathic. Nobody but you can hear me. So if you don't want people thinking you have lost it, don't say anything. I can hear every thought you have."

"Who are you and what the hell do you want?"

I decide to play the guilt card. I can only hope it will work. "It's me, Father. Your daughter. I'm glad you finally found me. Although I don't know why it took so long."

"How do I know you are really my daughter? You could be lying to me to try and claim the reward."

"There's a reward?" That is news to me. I hadn't seen or heard of it.

Good, at least he believes I am Talonian. That's a good start. "My mother is Mariana Muldanado."

He still doubts me. "I will need to see your face to be sure. Tell me where you are so we can talk in person."

Caught off-guard, it takes me a few minutes to recall something Lois said about my mother once. She hated seeing people get hurt.

"Not until I know you won't hurt anyone. While I hate it here, I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"You sound just like your mother. She always had a soft spot for innocent lives." Even his thoughts make his disdain for the Aaliyah obvious.

"Does that mean you believe me?"

"Not entirely. But I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. For now anyway. As I told you, I need to see your face."

I think about what he might see on my face that would convince him I am his daughter. I have a relatively normal face. Other than a few freckles on my left temple there is nothing really identifying there.

This is turning out to be harder than I anticipated. I don't know why I thought I could simply tell him I was his daughter and he would just believe me. It is time to think on my feet, something I'd become good at growing up when I was caught lying to John and Lois.

"Security where I am is superb. They never let me go anywhere alone—someone is always with me. Maybe tonight while everyone is at dinner I can sneak out the bathroom window and meet you."

"I have a better idea. I will send some men to get you. They can protect you in case anyone tries to stop you."

I can't believe he is buying it. "Okay. I will sneak out the window at six o'clock today. I'll wait for you on the steps of the school on the corner of Bailey and Seneca. How will I know it's your men when they come?"

"I will send thirty of my men. They will be approaching from the south. And just a warning, if you aren't who you say you are I will kill you myself."

"I would expect nothing less, Father. I look forward to finally meeting you and getting off this stupid rock."

I break the connection.

When I open my eyes the guardians are staring at me through the glass, concern evident in their faces. I give them a nod to indicate they can return to the car.

Once they are situated, I tell them about the meeting, and we drive straight back to the center to tell the others.

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