Chapter 18 - Part 1

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Once we get upstairs to John's office, the Council asks to speak with John alone. Ben and I decide to go down and wait for Lois and our friends to get back.

"Are we going to tell her?"

Ben nods. "Eventually. But for now let's just let things settle down."

"I don't know. It might upset her more if we wait."

"If we tell her now, she'll never let go of us and we'll never get to see our friends."

I nod. "Good point."

Lois steps through the transporter first. As soon as she sees us she runs over, throws her arms around us, and starts crying. My guilt for my attitude over the past several years grows with each tear she sheds.

Ben wraps his arms around her. "Mom, it's okay. We're both fine. Dad's fine too. We can talk about it over dinner once you've been cleared by the medical team."

Lois glances from Ben to me, then back to Ben. "I'm really glad you are both alive and well."

As quickly as my mind was muffled a few days ago, it just as suddenly clears up as my classmates begin pouring through the transporter. My head starts to pound as the thoughts and voices multiply around me. I might have missed my friends and the noise a few hours ago, but I had forgotten jut how painfully loud it was around here before.

Lois still hasn't let go of us, and it's starting to look as if she never will.

Ben points to the transporter. "Look, Lucy's back. Mom, can we finish this reunion later in the suite?"

Lois seems to understand that our friends will be just as worried about us, so she concedes. "Of course. In fact, why don't you invite your friends to dinner? It's going to take a while to bring everyone back here, so the graduation ceremony has been postponed until tomorrow."

"Thanks, Mom."

We both start toward the transporter as soon as she releases us.

Just before Lucy spots us I glance back over my shoulder at Lois. She is standing there with a huge, proud smile on her face. She will probably never admit it, but she's proud of us.

When she realizes I am looking at her, she blushes a little and waves. Not wanting to be rude, I wave back.

Just as I turn back around to look for Lucy, I hear a squeal and am surrounded by a pair of arms. It, of course, is Lucy. She starts talking very fast. So fast that I can barely understand half of what she is saying. Ben just stands there watching us and smiling. He has always been such a good sport about Lucy's exuberance.

I hug her back. "Lucy, slow down."

She takes a step back, releasing me from the hug. "I'm sorry, it's just we heard there were some fatalities, but nobody would tell us who."

I can see tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes, we lost two guardians. It would have been much worse if we hadn't had Jake here to heal the wounded."

"Jake is around here somewhere." Ben scans the room for him.

"Yeah, I already saw him. He's busy with making sure everyone is okay."

A sudden nagging, tugging feeling creeps into the back of my mind. It feels almost like someone is trying to get into my mind, like when we are training our telepathy with Coach Baxter, only stronger. For a minute I think that between all these people in this small space and that annoying tugging in the back of my mind, my head is going to implode.

I glance around and finally spot the door.

"I'm sorry, guys, I have to get out of here before my head splits open."

Lucy nods and Ben puts his arm around my shoulders as we head for the door. Lucy steps out in front of us and clears a path so we won't be slowed down by all the people now crowding into the room.

Once we are in the hall the voices in my head quiet down some. I still need to get more distance between me and the masses of rowdy teens if I am going to figure out this new feeling.

"It's too loud down here. I'm going to go back to our suite."

Lucy nods. "I'll be up later. I promised Melinda and Karen that I'd meet them here."

"Don't forget, you and Jake are both invited to dinner."

Lucy nods and disappears back into the transporter room.

By the time we reach the second floor, the tugging feeling has almost doubled in intensity. I've never felt anything like it before, and I don't want to panic Ben, so I just shrug it off.

As we reach the third floor, it gets even stronger. It is as if someone has physically stuffed their hand into my skull and they are feeling around for something.

I can't take it anymore, I have to tell John. Maybe the Council will be able to shed some light on it.

I look at Ben, who is standing on the step just behind me with a worried look on his face.

"I need to stop at John's office for a minute."

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. I just need to ask him a quick question. You know, you don't have to stay with me all the time anymore. Not that I don't want you around, but if you want to go back downstairs and wait for your friends, you can."

"I know. Maybe I just like hanging out with you. Did you ever consider that?"

"Okay, well when we get to the office I need you to wait outside for me. What I need to talk to him about is kind of personal." I hate lying to Ben. I just don't want to worry him.

As we arrive at John's office, the feeling becomes unbearable and I collapse.

* * *


I catch her just before her head hits the marble floor.


I try to open the door, but with Mona in my arms it's impossible to get a grip. I kick the door.

"Dad! Help!"

The door swings open and his secretary is standing on the other side.

"Where's my dad?"

"In his office."

I step through the door and follow her to the inner door. She opens the door and I hurry through it.

My dad looks up from his desk and the Council is staring at me.

"Put her on the couch."

I rush across the room and lay Mona on the sofa.

My dad rushes over and begins to examine her.

"What's wrong with her?"

He shakes his head. "I don't know."

The Council takes their time approaching her. I begin to pace as they silently examine her. My anger starts to churn in the pit of my gut.

"What is going on?"

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