Chapter 6 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Oh no, I got that wrong. "I would ensure the charge was secure, then eliminate the threat."

"So you're going to leave your charge alone to eliminate the threat? I fail to see the logic in that action."

I'm so totally blowing this. "Of course I wouldn't leave the charge alone. I didn't mean-"

"That will be all."

"But what I-"

"I said that will be all. You may return to your place in line. Christian, step forward please."

She is so fine, I'd love to take the night shift with her.

"Do you want to be here?"

I'd much rather be banging one of these pretty mamas. "Yes, sir."


So the chicks will think I'm cool. "Because all beautiful ladies need to be protected."

I'm so disturbed by his thoughts that I can't bear to hear any more, so I break the connection and wait.

"Thank you for your honesty. You may return to the line."

"Don't you want to ask me the other questions?"

"No, I think I've got what I need from you."

"So am I in?"

"When I make my decision I'll let you know. Johnson, step forward."

Shoulders square, back straight, and chin held high he complies. I hope they pick me.

"Why are you here?"

"To be a guardian, sir!"

"Why do you want to be a guardian?"

"It's what I was born to do, sir!"

"Is that the only reason?"

"No, sir! I also feel it is my responsibility to protect our people from danger."

"What would you do if you were running point on an outing and trouble was spotted?"

"How many are on the team, sir?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Depending on the number of guardians on the team at the time I would do different things. For example, if I were one of two guardians it would be my responsibility to secure the charge. If there were more than two, it would fall on me to neutralize the threat."

Ben smiles. "Excellent answer. You may step back in line."

"Thank you, sir."

I hadn't realized how draining this would be when I agreed to it. I glance at my watch. It is only two-thirty, and I am already exhausted and starving. I stifle a groan. We still have three candidates to interview.

I open a connection with Ben. "I need a break."

He turns and looks at me. "Can't it wait? We're almost finished here."

"If I don't get some food and rest I won't have the strength to finish. I've been going all day, and I'm exhausted."

He nods and turns back to the candidates. "Okay, everyone take a break. Be back here in thirty minutes." Then he turns his attention back to me. "You go sit down. I'll go get you something to eat."

I am just finishing my lunch when the candidates start filing back into the gym. Once everyone is back, Ben comes over to make sure I am ready. I reassure him that I will be okay as long as we finish soon.

"Hunter, step forward please."

Oh yeah, this is gonna work out well. "Why are you here?"

To protect some snobby little princess who doesn't know how good she has it. "To be a guardian."

"Do you foresee a problem with this assignment?"

Not as long as nobody finds out it was me that broke into her suite. "No, sir!"

I break my connection and hurry out of the gym. I can't face her right now – I need to talk to Lucy.

I slip into the hall and pull my cell phone out of my pocket. I send a quick text to Lucy to see if she can talk. Within seconds, she responds telling me to call her. I dial her number and she picks up on the first ring.

"Mona, what is it?"

"I know who broke into our suite."

"What? Who?"

"It was Abigail Hunter."

"No way! Why would she risk her graduation?"

"I don't know. What should I do? If I turn her in she could get in a lot of trouble."

"If you don't then she'll get away with it, and who knows what she'll do next."

"Yeah, I know. But there's another problem."

"What's that?"

"If I turn her in then everyone will know I was reading their minds."

"Wait, you're what?"

"Ben said it is the only way to make sure they are a good fit."

"I thought you didn't like reading people's minds."

"I don't. And I like doing it without their knowledge even less. But if it keeps us all safe then I'll do whatever I have to."

"What happens if the Council finds out you're using your trait for this?"

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to deal with that if they find out. Besides, what can they do? Refuse to let me take my seat on the Council? The way things are going right now, they can keep it."

"So what are you going to do?"

I think for a minute. "I have an idea. But you might not like it."

"I'm your best friend, Mona. I'll support whatever decision you make."

"Good. You could turn her in. Call John and tell him that you heard a rumor or something. He'll have security sweep her room and they're bound to find something to prove I'm right."

"You want me to lie to John? The man that holds my future in his hands? Are you sure about this?"

"Trust me, Lucy. John wants to find out who did it, and I doubt he'll care how he finds out."

"I'll go to his office right away."

"Thanks. I should probably get back to the interviews."

"Oh, and thank you."

"For what?"

"For not selecting Jake."

"It wasn't me. Ben made the first cut without talking to me."

"Okay, then thank him for me. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, later."

I hang up the phone and slip it back into my pocket. I take several deep breaths to clear my head before going back into the gym.

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