[22] Glad to know I have that effect on you, too.

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A/N Edited.

"No, nu-uh. I am not wearing that."

"Yes you are," Martha replied, firmly. She's holding a green long-sleeve low v-neck dress that ends a little above the knee.

In case you're wondering, we are currently in the mall, picking out an outfit for that goddamn party Jordan and Wade kept bugging me to go to.

I had called her out to shop with me because I didn't know what to wear. Like I said, I was never really invited and didn't felt like going.

Did I mention yet that I just wanted to stay home and binge-watch Grey's Anatomy?

"Or how about this top?" Martha snaps me out of my thoughts and holds up a cream-colored flowy long-sleeve crop top that ties at the center of your chest. "Umm...no?"

She rolles her eyes in annoyance. Is it also obvious yet we've been here for at least an hour and a half?

"How about I just wear a UCLA sweater and a pair of jeans, throw on the glasses you gave me and my favorite pair of black converse? How 'bout that? Deal?"

"No." I groan. "Oh come on, Jess. Lighten up, and stop saying you'll wear that. Let's just move down the level of style you'll wear. I think that was the problem. Let's see......"

I watch her as she mutters no's and maybe's, scanning and skimming through the racks like books in a library or in a store.

"AHA! I got it!" I could faintly hear Martha exclaim. "Come here, right now! Move that ass!"

"HUH?" I look around, she's nowehere to be seen. "Oh my god, where are you?" I could've sworn I still saw her rummaging through clothes in front of me a minute ago. I was still standing next to the rack where we left the green dress and the flowy long-sleeve top.

"I'm coming, jeez. Chill, woman." I jog to where I can see her head peeking above the metal racks of the lines of clothes in the store and catch up beside her. We were already on the 13th aisle of the store.

"Now this is you." Martha smiles and places it in front of me to check if it really matches.

"Here." She handed me a white round neck halter top, a white polo, and cream-colored trousers.

"At least, if anything happens to Wade during the party, you won't have to be conscious if you're wearing a skirt and if your underwear gets seen. Plus, you're a nerd so it's pretty obvious they won't suspect you because, you know, who would wear that in a high school party filled with drunk teenagers?"

It is pretty. And convenient. I liked it. "Me. Now this, is a yes." I chuckled. She clasped her hands together and finally relaxed.

"For shoes, if you're feeling like Jessi, Liz, you could wear your white Adidas sneakers or......"

"Yes! I mean, yeah. I'll choose that." I immediately reply, not waiting for the other option. It would be for sure heels. They were never my cup of tea. I've always worn sneakers and boots, but the latter occasionally.

".....or you could borrow my ankle strap heels. But alright, Adidas it is," Martha finished.

HA! I knew it would heels. I chuckled at the thought. She just playfully rolled her eyes.

"Atleast, we're finally done. We just need to pay for this and get out of here." I nodded in agreement.

So we paid our items and headed out. But seperately, me on the way home and Martha going back to her post (AKA where she does her work).


"Hurry up!! I swear I'm leaving without you!" I yell in front of Wade's door. I glance at my watch, it's already 6:36 PM and the party starts at 7.

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