Chapter 14. Oh Please ground, swallow me up!

Start from the beginning

Laura felt his hands dig into her flesh. It was beginning to get very painful. And scary.

"You are moving too fast!" she gasped, trying to find some air to breathe.

"Too fast?" Neal stared at her, he did not ease the grip he had around her, his eyes all cold and dark, "Are you kidding me? We are adults, you wench! Don't you dare feed me this crap. If you just let me, I'll show you a good time."

Laura swallowed and her eyes widened. He was hurting her, and he was scaring her. And she had never ever been called a wench before. She tried to look into his eyes, but it was like he wasn't there at all. Who was this man?

"Please let me go, Neal. You are hurting me" she whined. His fingers was surely going to leave marks. Her waist smarted and she was beginning to feel very alarmed.

A cold and hard laugh erupted from his chest as he immediately pushed her away from his grip, making Laura stumble backwards. She stared bewildered at him. What the hell?

The next moment Kay opened the door to the patio and peered out.

"Come on in you two. Enough cuddling, " he stared at them both, motioning for them to come inside.

Laura shuddered, avoiding the cold stare from Neal, and she thanked a higher power for the interruption. Cuddling, my ass!

~ ~ ~

Cody drew his hand through his hair and stared up in the ceiling. He then closed his eyes hard and tried to take pleasure in the treatment he was given. But it was in vain.

He couldn't concentrate. And it was a lost cause to try and relax.

Thinking back, he recalled his moments with Laura and realized that he had never before had anyone go down on him like Laura had done.

My god! When she'd done it, he  honestly thought that he had died and gone to heaven. Laura obviously knew what to do and how to do it. . .GOOD! Oh boy, talk about some heavenly oral treatment.

Looking down on Karen as she tried her best to please him, he surrendered to the fact that no one would ever measure up to Laura and her skills.

Trying his best not to hurt her feelings he softly urged Karen to stop, his hand pushing her away gently.

"Karen . . .please stop," he groaned and drew back slowly with a slight hesitation, " I can't. Just stop."

Looking up at him, Karen licked her lips, then she rose slowly.

"What's wrong, Cody?"

Cody sighed as he secured his friend back in his jeans and buttoned them up. "Nothing. I am just not in the mood right now." he murmured and reached for her in an attempt to soften the blow. "Later, huh?"

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