Chapter 13. Kissable? Oh certainly yes!

Start from the beginning

He wasn't used to be rejected. Darn it.

He was used to get whatever AND whoever the fuck he wanted.

He snorted at his reflection in the mirror. Had he lost his touch? Nooo...

But never the less, this new experience made him feel sick to his stomach. And that awful new sensation he felt within his chest, he could definitely be without. It hurt like hell.

Drying himself thoroughly with a towel, he then stomped out, exiting the bathroom. The amount of pain he was feeling inside was suffocating him, cutting of his air, and it was making him furious enough to want to seriously inflict the same level of pain onto somebody else. Anyone. He did not care who. . . just someone.

He knew what she was doing. In fact he knew it all but too well. It was that bloody issue she had about being much older than him.

God how he hated that.

And of course that small inconvenience of her being the mother of his two best friends. Gah!

With a low grunt, he entered the bedroom and sat himself down on the bed. The very same bed that he'd made love to her on, not too long ago.

Closing his eyes he thought back and remembered their awesome moment, their awesome night together. He remembered her warmth, her soft lips and her curvaceous body. The rapture he'd felt when finally claiming her, as he had entered her warm heaven, over and over again, was something he'd never felt before.

Why was she doing this? He asked himself for the umpteenth time when getting dressed.

He knew why. . . He just could not wrap his head around it. Damn that beautiful woman. She was pushing him away, just because of that stupid age-thing.

Rubbing his palms over his eyes, he made a low growling noise deep down in his throat.

Well, okay. . .he would survive, right?

Of course he would. He was Cody Warner. Player. Stud. Prince Charming. You name it. . .

If this was the way she wanted it to be, by God she was going to get it.

~~ ~~ ~~

Next evening Laura stood in front of her mirror, not at all liking what she saw. Even though she'd done her best with her hair and she had chosen the nicest clothes, she saw nothing but a hag in front of her. Well, she felt like one anyhow. She felt lousy.

The whole day she'd walked around in the house feeling bad, her inside aching like never before. It was a scary and unfamiliar ache, one that she could not pin point the origin from. And to be honest. . that was the most scary thing of all.

Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself for the event of the evening, the get together at Kay and Donna's house. During the day, Neal had been calling her about a hundred times just to make sure he'd pick her up at the right time. Not too early, not too late.

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