"Well, maybe that's because you and Harry were dating in order to make a point for your parents. Imagine if things were different if you were to bring actual feelings into a relationship with him," she retorted.

I did sometimes think about what my life would be like if Harry and I genuinely liked each other, though I didn't dwell on them for long. I was too happy with how my current life was to think about any alternate possibilities regarding guys that did not deserve a second of my time.

"Harry and I stopped fooling around weeks ago, so I'd rather not be talking about my feelings for him," I mumbled.

"You brought him up."


"Okay, fine. I'll stop," she sighed. 

"It's not going to happen," I spoke up after a brief silence, causing her to look up at me. "He agreed to fake date me for his own fucked up reasons. It was all a game for him and now that he's bored of it, he didn't want any part of it. I can't exactly change his mind about this because he doesn't like me."

I could tell that she disagreed. Her protests seemed to be on the tip of her tongue and I was waiting for her to tell me that I was wrong, that Harry most definitely liked me and all I needed to do was persuade him to give things a proper chance. Thankfully, she didn't say it out loud.

"Are you really happy?" she asked instead, her smugness was overtaken by her apparent concern. I couldn't help but feel flattered because no matter how annoying and headstrong she was about her opinions, she did care about me.

"Of course. He's a nice guy, Jade. Things are working well and I'm willing to let them. If things don't work out, then I'll let it. For once, I feel genuinely cared for and I want to keep it."

"Alright...you don't need to guilt me. I get it. He's perfect and caring. Just be careful, okay?"


Much to my displeasure, my next class with Harry reminded me of just how annoying he really was. I wasn't sure why this lesson was more painful than previous classes but I knew that Harry was always going to be a pain. 

Unfortunately for me, no one I even remotely liked was in my class, which left me with no distractions from Harry calling my name out from the back of the room. The rest of the class were loudly conversing, yet I could clearly hear Harry constantly trying to capture my attention.

I tried to leave as soon as we were dismissed but I felt a large hand wrap around my wrist and pull me out of the room. The grip on my arm was so tight that I had literally no chance of escaping, though it didn't particularly stop me from trying.

"Stop moving so much," Harry's deep voice commanded, causing me to freeze in my place, giving him a much greater opportunity to drag me wherever he wanted to take me. 

"What do you want?" I hissed, glaring at him as he pulled me into an empty classroom, grabbing the things out of my hands and carelessly dropping them on the floor, before he shut the door and pressed me against the wall beside it.

He didn't answer, he just stared at me with those stupidly bright green eyes. I couldn't tell what he was thinking and there were so many emotions clouding his eyes that left me feeling so confused. He almost looked fond but I knew that he couldn't be. 

"Can you get off me? I don't particularly like being in this position," I snapped, though I didn't attempt to get out of his hold. He wasn't going to move and trying to force him was only a waste of energy. 

"This little bitch act isn't working on me, Niall. There are more mature ways to go about pissing me off, don't you think?" he almost whispered, his chest flush against mine.

"What are you talking about? If anything, you're the one that's being immature," I let out, rolling my eyes. 

"So playing with someone's feelings in order to make another person jealous isn't immature?" he questioned, his voice incredibly smug.

I could feel his hand tracing up and down my arm, the touch being enough to raise goosebumps in its wake. 

"I'm not playing with Zach's feelings to make you jealous," I snapped, trying to push him off me but remaining unsuccessful. 

"Really?" he hummed, not even struggling to hold me in place, but his eyes hardened as I pushed against his chest. 

"Stop moving," he repeated sternly. 

There was a part of me that wanted to listen to him, as though he was controlling me. But the more rational part of me told me to keep fighting him. 

"Get off me. I'm happy and I won't let you fuck this up for me because you can't stand the fact that I don't want to be around you anymore," I hissed, giving him the dirtiest look I could manage.

"Let's pretend I believe you. Your relationship won't last long because we both know who had you first," he smirked, kissing the corner of my mouth teasingly before stepping back.

The feeling of his lips lingered on my skin. Everything immediately felt hot and I suddenly couldn't breathe. I hated the fact that he had this effect on me. 

I was about to say something else to him, though I was too conflicted. I didn't know if I should be mad at him, or turned on. I knew immediately that it was both and whilst I was happy that I stood my ground and didn't let him control me, I was ashamed that I internally enjoyed what had just happened. 

I was half-tempted to speak my mind, tell him off for forcing me into an empty classroom and pushing me against the wall but I couldn't say anything because he had left the room before I got the chance to say a single word.


"You're being unusually quiet. You okay?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, I'm great. Just got a lot on my mind right now," I replied.

"About what?" he asked, giving me a curious glance before turning back to the road.

"A lot of things. My parents and school, mostly," I shrugged.

Of course, I was lying. I was obviously thinking about my interaction with Harry. I couldn't really help it. It was unexpected, rude, yet extremely satisfying to know I was having some sort of effect on him.

I didn't want to lie to Louis but I didn't particularly think telling him about what had happened with Harry would be a good idea. I knew that Louis would see that as me allowing Harry to manipulate me, even though I didn't have much of a choice in Harry dragging me into that classroom. 

Although Louis had calmed down slightly with his comments about my feelings towards Harry, I knew that if he knew what had happened between us, it would just give him another excuse to make fun of me, and that torture would never end. 

Besides, what had happened between me and Harry meant nothing, so there was absolutely no reason to bring it up. I may have thought that Harry's actions were attractive right after he had done it, and I may still be feeling excited from what had happened but it meant nothing. 

Any remotely positive feeling I would have had was pushed away the second I remembered that I was no longer single. I couldn't run back to Harry whenever I wanted to anymore. I had a guy that I intended to stay faithful to.

Nothing was going to change that.

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