t w o | New friends

Start from the beginning


But why? What happened with my father and the attack? I swallowed and shook my head "No I don't." He swallowed, his eyes turning glossy. "I'm sorry." I don't even know why I said that... Maybe because I felt a unknown pull towards this Adonis-like stranger.

He nodded his head swallowing again. At the corner of my eye I saw another figure emerged from the trees, a girl, she looked just about my age she was wearing a black tank top and black capris and Nike tennis shoes her dirty blonde hair pulled up in a low ponytail, She smirked and crossed her arms.

The other stranger clenched his jaw and hands,"Allison what are you doing here?"


Why did that name sound so familiar?

"He's wondering why you guys are taking so long." she sneered he like she's making a joke. She turned her head and looked at me, up and down. "My May you haven't changed a bit," she started walking towards me. I raised my knife towards her, she stopped and shook her head then kissed her teeth. "You were always good with knives."

"Allison." The good-looking stranger warned. "She doesn't remember, stop it." He grits out as he clenched his hands to his side. "She doesn't remember anything." He adds, almost like he was saying it to himself.

She laughed and threw her head back and looked at me, "Nothing?.... Nothing at all?" I swallowed and took a step back and she started walking closer to me. Close enough til I could see the white in her eyes. "Lets just get this over with Grayson."


His name sent shivers all throughout my body. So that's his name. But I didn't miss the fact that his name also sound familiar. Have I met them before?

"No you heard what he said. He wants her to come willingly," Grayson said.

I opened my mouth to reply but was erupted what sounded like my brother calling my name or was it crying?, I looked around and was about to call back but a beefy hand covered my mouth and grab my waist. No doubt the other stranger.

I started thrashing in his hold, I lifted my leg and kicked him where the Sun doesn't shine and when He let go and cupped his package, I threw my back when he groaned and stated running where my brother was calling. As I was running I could hear them running after me. I don't know how long I was running, but the screaming of my name stopped and once it stopped I knew I was screwed.

I kept running the direction I heard my name being called, my legs were burning and my left ankle screamed at my brain to stop and rest but I couldn't not when there right on my tail.

I could see the faint smoke in the distance just when I was about to scream back I was tackled to the ground. I landed on the floor with a groan, I rolled over and looked beside me to see Allison standing up and walking towards me. I reached for my knife in the back pocket only to find it's gone.


I looked around on the ground shoving leaves around. I spotted it 3 feet away, I climbed to me feet and ran only to get tackled again. I'm really starting to get pissed off getting tackled.

Allison straddled me and lift my arms over my head trapping me in her hold. "You seemed to have lost your skills Mais" she smirked. I lifted my knee hitting the middle of her thighs and head butted her, I shoved her off of me and grabbed the kinfe and sliced her right cheek. I need to stop head butting I thought as I rubbed my right temple, getting up from the ground. I could feel myself getting light headed.


"You bìtch" she groaned out.

I got up only to have my left ankle give out I yelped as I fell to the ground holding my ankle and clutching my knife. I gritted my teeth and shook off the pain and got up and started limping/running.

The crisp house came into view, I smiled as smoke filled my nose. I looked back only to see a white flash and suddenly I'm on the ground again.

Okay now I'm getting fxcking pissed off.

"I can't let you leave again Mais."

I let out a huff of breath and got up to my feet then looked up. His chocolate brown eyes were so beautiful I hated it. But his jaw line though, i wanted to lick it.


Back the fúck up.

Did i just say that?! I barley knew the fxcker..... If only Theo knew what I was thinking of doing to Grayson's jaw line....


I clutched the knife in my hand thinking how Theo must be losing his mind thinking that I'm dead, "what the fxck do you want I'm done with you beating around the bush, it's irritating the fxck out of me!" I practically screamed at him. He let out a small laugh. And started circling around me with his arms crossed and a hand rubbing his chin.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked.

"We want you and were not leaving without you."


So your thoughts on this chapter?

What do you think about Grayson??

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