Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N: Hi

Hey, remember last chapter--I think, anyway--when Lizz was ranting about how she's not cut out to be a Ninja? When she first made it into the building after falling?

Yeah, I was originally gonna have Kai grab her and kiss her to shut her up. 

I kinda regret not doing that.

Jay and Kai jumped up onto the edge of an inside window, looking into the small room. Jay snorted, "Ugh... we're not thinking big enough! Why climb, when we can do this?!" he ran across the room and hopped onto the windowsill of the outside window, pulling out his Blade before flinging himself into the air.

 Kai was joined by Cole, Zane and Lizz at the window, watching as Jay's electric-blue Roadrunner materialized on the side of the building. The tires squealed as he did a U-Turn before flooring it, driving up the side of the building. Kai shook his head, "That kid plays way too many video games."

 Cole reached behind him and pulled free his Techno Blade, "Jay's right. Forget this!" he pushed off the window and did two flips before his Mech burst into existence and began running up the building after Jay.

 Lizz was becoming more and more paranoid, "I can't do that!"

 "Yes you can," Kai reassured her, although he wasn't too sure she'd be able to. Their vehicles came from hacking into Droids in the city. Lizz wasn't there and therefore he didn't know if she'd have a vehicle.

 She shuddered, "Y-you first."

 Kai nodded, "Okay... you can do this Kai... you can..." he forced himself out the window and as he fell his jet flickered to life. Quicker than it'd appeared, the jet was gone and Kai hurtled towards the ground, "Ahhh!! I can't do it! I can't do it! I can't do it I can't! Ahhh!!'

 Lizz watched Zane go save Kai in his icy white jet and then it was her turn. Hoping Zane would be kind enough to catch her if she fell, Lizz jumped from the window and thought of ways she could make a vehicle materialize out of thin air. 

Somehow it worked, a sleek, dark blue dirt bike popping up underneath Lizz. She screamed, it scared her so much, "Holy hell it worked!"

 There was a chorus of "Good job!" through the comm and then Cole gave out instructions, "Alright, let's get to the top!"

 "You mean bottom," Jay corrected.

 "Good Lord this is confusing," Lizz muttered. She was driving upwards to get to the ground and the sky was below her and she was driving a dirt bike. Just to see if she could, she floored it and popped a quick wheelie, slamming the front wheel back onto the building when she wobbled. The air whipped past her ears, making a faint whistling noise that disappeared when they all joined together in a cry of, "Ninjaaaaaa-GO!"

 She caught up with the others, keeping pace pretty well with Jay and Cole as the two of them shot at oncoming helicopters that were sent to most likely dispatch them all. Do I have... Lizz pressed a button on her handlebar and she successfully shot a weapon that was hidden somewhere on her ride. Sweet! She joined in the shooting; not quit hitting much, but she was getting better.

 Suddenly Cole tipped forward and Lizz thought he was hit until he continued taking down Digicopters with him, "The data filters into the ground! The heart of the system must be behind it!" he called out.

 "Then let's be surgical about it!" Jay laughed. Lizz imagined him to be grinning as they all shot at the ground at the same time.

 It exploded, splintering into a million little shards of something. Lizz and Cole shielded their eyes as they went through the cloud of shards, Ninjaaaaa-GO!" they all called again, free-falling through the air before hitting the smooth, blue ground.

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