Chapter Nineteen

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"Any idea where they'd be looking?" Lar yelled over to Neuro. They'd been looking for Ash and Griffin for about an hour and there's been no sight of either of the two, "We've gone over NinjaGo about three times and all I see is Nindroid after Nindroid down there."

"They've got to be here somewhere, unless they've been captured, killed or turned into one of them," Neuro told him calmly, "Or, they could already be with the Ninja. Either way we'll find th-" his sentence was cut short in a shriek of distress when a black and silver arrow sliced itself through his knee.

"Neuro!" Lar shouted when Neuro's dragon disappeared. The only thing he could think of to do was go catch him so that's what he did, and he quickly got Neuro situated on the back of his own dragon, "Are you alright?!"

"No I'm not!" Neuro yelled, "There's an arrow through my knee! Get us away from these Nindroids!" both looked to the ground, spotting around two dozen of the robots, among them General Cryptor and Pythor as well.

But Lar, being the sidetracked, broken-boned, woozy boy he was at the time, decided to fly so low that a Droid jumped from the trees and knocked the two from the sky. Lar tumbled a ways away, and Neuro could do nothing but watch because of his own injury, "Lar!"

Neuro made a move to try to get up from his awkward position on the ground, but Pythor slithered in front of him, blocking his view of Lar being dragged through the line of trees and bushes, "We didn't mean for you to get injured, but you would have put up a fight. It'sssssss not you our fight is with. No hard feelings?" Pythor explained quietly and quickly, then slithered after the rest of his departed forces, not waiting for Neuro to reply to the 'No hard feelings?'.


It took quite a while before Neuro was even able to stand, let alone conjure his dragon. By the time he found his dragon it was almost midnight, and his usually good vision was clouded and blurred by the large amount of blood loss, so he told Sonic just to find Ash and Griffin. When Sonic took off at full speed Neuro fell back and decided to take a nap of some sort.

It was probably a blood-loss-induced-shock-coma, something of the sorts. 


"Wait, so there's something up with a person's shoulder that, when something happens to it, renders a person unconscious?" Male

"Or dead, or permanently paralyzed, depends on the angle and your strength exerted." Female

There were footsteps, someone moving around the bed, "So... what did you do to Neuro?" Male.

"I may have accidentally paralyzed him, but it's not my fault! He scared the hell out of me, what did you expect? And then he woke up in the middle of me trying to fix his arrow-leg, so I hit him again and... Oops?"  Female.

"How long should he be out?" Male.

"Well, if he's even alive yet, he should have been up about a day and a half ago." Female, again.

Nero figured this was the time to wake up. He slowly pried open his eyes, "I've been out for a day and a half?"

Griffin smirked, "Actually, since you got here, you've been out for at least five days."


"Don't listen to him," the girl grinned, "Only two. Sorry about that, by the way, Neuro. Just don't sneak up on me like that ever again."

Neuro froze, blinking slowly as he looked over the girl's features. Her hair, except for her bangs, was pulled back in a single high ponytail. She brushed her bangs away from her face so the ends rested above her left eye, and she was looking at Neuro with two dark brown eyes that held love and worry, "I'm sorry, do we know each other?"

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