Chapter Seventeen

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With a very loud and very gravelly groan, Jade rolled over and glared at the small, round window, "Why is it so damn bright out?"

Slowly, she sat up, sweeping her razzled bed-head from her eyes. She set to adjusting her eyes, blinking to get the blurriness out of them. After a moment, she noticed that the bed across the room was completely vacated, the messy sheets telling her there used to be a person in them.

She swung her legs out of bed, set her elbows on her knees and rubbed her eyes, the burning from earlier that morning coming back. Groaning, she stood and noticed something different but couldn't get through her foggy mind to find what.

"Hmm," Jade furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed her bright yellow bag at the foot of her bed. With a shrug, she dug inside it and removed her hairbrush, "Handy."

Nya walked in five minutes later to see Jade sitting on the floor, dressed in a new set of clothes, contently brushing away at her hair as she stared at the wall, "Good afternoon."

"Afternoon?" Jade stood and threw her brush on her bed, "No wonder it's so bright out." 

"I like your dress," Nya commented, sitting on her own bed, "Why so fancy, though?"

Jade looked down at her 'fancy' outfit, which was really a royal blue dress with sky blue around the hems. It had no sleeves. Instead, there was a strap tying behind her neck. The actual neckline was straight, and the dress length sat at knee height her knees. The stretchy material would fan around if she twirled, like any dress, but otherwise bounced when she walked and sat still in a perfect 60s fashion.

"Erm... Thanks, I guess. No reason to be fancy, though."

Nya stood back up, "How're you feeling?"

"Just peachy, why?"

"Just making sure you're okay," Nya led the way to the door, and Jade instinctively followed, "Do you want something to eat? Jay makes the best steaks, and we left one for you if you want it." 

"I'll be there in a moment, thank you," she parted through a different door, "I just want to make sure I took care of my bed-head and maybe brush my teeth a little," But of course, if I'm eating right away... she shrugged and continued towards the bathroom, encountering not one living soul.

There was still something different to Jade, and as soon as she stepped through the door of the bathroom the fact was evident. It was brighter, and by a lot. Before, the bathroom was dark... or at least half dark. The wood was darker, the white sink was grayish and the lights were dimmer. But as Jade stepped inside and looked around, the dark qualities were blindingly different, and it was hurting her eyes. 

Eyes... she thought, stepping in front of the mirror over the sink, "Eyes..." so quickly she almost ripped out her hair, Jade grabbed the long bangs hiding her left eye and yanked them up, revealing the dark brown iris beneath them. 

It was as if her entire world was paused. She could finally see correctly. No more half heat-seeking vision. Am I... human!? The thought registered in her head with a high pitched scream that lasted a few seconds before her vision blacked. 

↠*.*.* ↞

"Your spine is cracked in two places, you've got three broken ribs and you rolled your ankle so it's swollen," Neuro paused and looked at the scribbled notes in the notebook on his lap, "There's also a slight scrape on your elbow."

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