11- Asmund's approval.

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Now Hiccup was twenty-one, he thought it would be a good time to propose to Astrid. 

But that meant, he had to ask her father for approval, and in all honesty Asmund scared the life out of Hiccup. Asmund was very protective over his daughter which meant there was a good chance he could turn Hiccup's marriage offer down. But he had to try, didn't he. 

Early one morning, once Astrid had left to teach the daily dragon training lessons, Hiccup slowly trudged along to Astrid's family home. Toothless walked alongside Hiccup whom was nervously practicing what he was going to say to Asmund. 

"Uh, sir, I love your daughter...so much, I was wondering..." Hiccup trailed off as his dragon grunted disapprovingly. "What? I didn't think it was that bad!" Hiccup protested. Toothless glanced up at his companion with a sarcastic glare. "Uh I guess you're right Bud, that sucked." 

Within a few minutes, the Hofferson hut came into view causing Hiccup to inhale deeply. "I can do this!" Hiccup told himself firmly. Toothless nudged his rider and gave him an encouraging hum. "Thank you, Bud." With that Hiccup jogged up the steps and knocked on the door, eagerly awaiting a response. 

Asmund yanked open the door and was taken back a bit to see Hiccup there. Worry arose when he couldn't see his beloved daughter. 

"Where's Astrid?" He muttered in concern. 

"At the dragon academy, I'm sorry to disturb you sir but I have something to ask you." Hiccup uttered. Asmund cocked a bushy brow before letting Hiccup inside. Asmund retreated to his armchair and Hiccup stood in front of him breathing deeply trying to calm his nerves. 

"What have you come to ask me Chief?" Asmund asked as he stroked his long blonde beard. 

"Uh, well Astrid and I have been together nearly six years now, and I love her with all of my heart-" Hiccup stopped for a moment to take a breath from all of his rambling. Asmund knew what Hiccup was about to ask but he found it amusing that the boy was getting flustered. "-I was wondering if I could have your daughters hand in marriage." Hiccup finally blurted. Asmund chuckled which actually made Hiccup even more anxious. 

"I see..." Asmund began. "You clearly love Astrid very much, you will provide for her, yes?"

"Of course! Everything and anything she will need!"

"Take care of her?" Asmund queried, he stood up from his chair and loomed over Hiccup. 

"Forever." Hiccup assured. 

"Then you have my blessing." Asmund croaked, he couldn't believe that his darling girl was going to be married. A huge grin covered Hiccup's face, he was so happy that he had Astrid's father's approval. 

"Thank you sir! I will love and protect Astrid until the day I die." Hiccup beamed. 

"You better, she's my baby." Asmund sniffed. Hiccup was surprised with Asmund's display of emotion but he was so overjoyed. He couldn't wait to propose to his beautiful love. 

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