6- That unforgettable Snoggletog.

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The dragons had already migrated for their own Snoggletog where they lay their eggs and now the vikings of Berk were decorating the village under chief Hiccup's instruction. A grand tree like structure had been built outside the great hall and now Stormfly, Astrid Haddock's dragon, was busy pinning shields to the wooden planks.

"Good girl Stormfly, just a few more to go!" Astrid called up to her Deadly Nadder who squawked in response. Astrid smiled and glanced down at the little bundle in her arms. "Good afternoon Freyja!" Astrid gushed. The little fair haired baby gurgled as her blue eyes fluttered open.

"A right beaut you have there!" Gobber cheered as he hobbled over. "Where's the little rascal though?"

"Hagen should be with Hiccup..." Astrid trailed off as her eyes landed on her seven year old son who was stumbling across the village square at a rapid pace. "Oh gods..." She mumbled as a trail of Terrible Terrors followed him. "I'll be right back, Gobber!" Astrid exclaimed. Whilst holding Freyja closer, Astrid jogged up the steps to the great hall in search for her husband. Bursting through the doors, she was greeted with the sight of Hiccup hunched over a map. "Hiccup!" Astrid snapped angrily. Suddenly, Hiccup's head perked up, a look of horror crossed his face and in an instant he swiped the map from his desk.

"Ah-ha, Astrid! Good afternoon Milady and Mi-little-lady!" He chuckled nervously. He strode over to his wife and daughter and kissed Astrid on the lips before lifting Freyja out of her arms. "Hello little one!" Hiccup beamed. For a moment the scene melted Astrid's anger but that quickly faded when there was a crash outside.

"Hiccup, you were supposed to watch Hagen!" Astrid groaned

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"Hiccup, you were supposed to watch Hagen!" Astrid groaned.

"Wh-what?! I was!" Hiccup cried in disbelief, he whipped around to look for his son who, last time he saw him, was playing with a wooden figure set. "Good gods! Hagen is sneaky!" Hiccup grumbled.

"We have to go and get him, Hiccup! Before he destroys anything." Astrid barked. Hiccup didn't even try to argue back, he handed his daughter to Astrid and motioned for Toothless to follow them. Outside the pair mounted Toothless, leaving Stormfly to finish her tasks, and they lifted into the air at a rapid pace.

"He wouldn't have gone far Astrid," Hiccup started with reassurance. "We'll check the cove first." Hiccup directed Toothless towards the cove where they had met seventeen years ago and they swooped lower. Sure enough, Hagen was sat by the lake giggling as he played with a group of terrors.

"Hagen Haddock!" Astrid cried in relief. Quickly, she passed Freyja to Hiccup before leaping off of Toothless and bounding over to her son. She swiped him up into her arms and squeezed him tightly. "You can't run off like that!" She muttered sternly.

"But I wanted to play with the Terrible Terrors!" Hagen chuckled, oblivious to his mother's concern.

"I thought you wanted to spend the day with me, Hagen?" Hiccup chuckled as he strode towards them.

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