3-That time he nearly died

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- Most of the gang are about nineteen now, so set before the second film -

Hiccup had been missing for eight days now, Stoic had sent out numerous search parties but all had come back unfulfilled. 

"It's up to us now!" I exclaimed sternly to my friends, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut. 

"Do you think he went further than the archipelago?" Fishlegs queried.

"Probably, this is Hiccup we're talking about." Tuff chuckled sarcastically. I shot a glare towards him which shut him up. 

"Lets get the dragons and go!" I commanded before whistling for Stormfly. My Deadly Nadder landed next to me along with Barf and Belch, Meatlug and Hookfang. All of us mounted our dragons and we wasted no time lifting off into the air and soaring away from Berk. 

After hours of flying and searching, we crossed the archipelago. 

"What did he have to go further than our lands?" Snotlout grumbled from Hookfang. 

"Because he's stubborn and doesn't listen to me, I told him that if he plans to leave the archipelago he shouldn't go alone!" I cried angrily. 

"We just need to keep going!" Ruffnut encouraged. 

"That sister of mine is right! I also hope that there is something to blow up!" Tuffnut chuckled mischievously. 

"Let's split up, we'll cover more ground that way." The others nodded in response and we flew off in our different directions. Stormfly flew faster than she ever had before, I had to find Hiccup, he could be hurt! 

Eventually, we came across a dusty island that was dotted with Whispering Death holes. That wasn't what drew my attention to it though, it was the Nightfury roar. "Down Stormfly!" I commanded. She squawked in response before hurtling towards the ground. Quickly, I dismounted my dragon and began to jog around looking for Hiccup. "Toothless!" I cried, hoping I would hear him roar again. After a couple of minutes of silence, a roar erupted from one of the craters in the ground. That was definitely Toothless. 

Without hesitation, I scrambled into the nearest hole and slipped down the tunnel. I landed in a pit of fish bones near a nest full of eggs. Better get out of here before the mother comes back. Cautiously, I made my way along the winding tunnels, every now and then calling out for Hiccup and Toothless. 

"This is impossible, there are so many tunnels, at this rate I'll be Whispering Death dinner!" I exclaimed to myself. Then, very faintly, I heard the sound of Hiccup's voice. 

"Astrid!" He called from afar. My ears pricked up and with out even realizing I began running in the direction of his voice. It was Toothless' roar that indicated I was extremely close. In a matter of minutes I was face to face with him. Relief coursed through my body. He was alive! "Astrid..." He breathed in disbelief. 

I didn't even say anything, I just grabbed him and held him as tightly as possible. After a few moments, he hugged back, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. 

"You mutton head!" I croaked after a few minutes. 

"I know I am." Hiccup chuckled into the side of my neck.   All of a sudden, Hiccup fell from my grasp, crashing onto the floor. He coughed furiously, his hand covered his side. 

"Hiccup?!" I cried out in shock. I fell to my knees beside him, pawing at his hand that was covering his side. His coughing became weaker and he moved his hand away revealing a gaping wound. "NO! No no no no!" I sobbed. Rapidly, I whistled for Toothless whom instantly bounded over. As quickly as I could, I hauled Hiccup up onto his dragon and rested him in front of me. "Back to Berk Toothless!" I commanded. As we soared out of the tunnels, I whistled for Stormfly to follow and within an hour we reached Berk. 


Gothi tried her best, but Hiccup was still unconscious after a week. Every night I stayed in his hut beside his bed. I took it upon myself to feed him a special formulation Gothi had procured as well. Hiccup looked so different from four years ago, it had taken me this long to realize it. He was a head taller than me now, his auburn hair was longer and shaggier but it suited him. His face had matured as well, sharper jaw with stubble lining it. I couldn't help myself, my hand brushed his hair away from his forehead then slowly, trailed down his face where my fingers brushed over the scar on his chin. 

Sighing with defeat, I rested my head on his bed beside his left hand. Please wake up Hiccup! I internally pleaded. 

The next day, I was awoken to the sensation of someone stroking my cheek. Reluctantly, my eyes fluttered open to see a familiar hand brushing over my braid. 

"Hiccup?" I croaked in dismay. I glanced up, my eyes locked onto his forest green orbs.  He smiled sweetly, but winced when he tried to sit up. "Be careful for Thor's sake! You nearly died you mutton!" I exclaimed. Carefully, I helped Hiccup to sit up and made sure he didn't disturb the bandage around his torso. I stared at him for a moment with a giddy smile, he was finally awake! I found myself leaning closer to Hiccup, his hand reached out and placed itself below my chin, guiding me forward. Before I knew it, our lips locked together. I savored the sweet taste of the kiss, as Hiccup pulled away, his plump lips left tingles on mine. 

"Thank you for saving me, Astrid." He whispered as he rested his forehead against mine. 

I chuckled lightly,"Just don't do it again." 

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