The only one

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No one will ever love me. Ever. That's what I always told myself. No one needs me or wants me. My parents always beat me until I'm bleeding to death but I have to heal my body by myself. They don't care about me. Who would? My parents show me off to everyone as a healthy little girl who gets whatever she wants which is a lie. I am always quiet at school. I tried having friends but they just turned their backs on me and humiliated me. They always made fun of me and turned their backs when I needed them the most. One day we got a new transfer student at our school. He was amazing at art and singing. He was nice and fair to everyone. Every girl fell for him so when he came to sit by me at my alone table at lunch everyone gave me death stares so I decided to move away. When I got up he suddenly said, "hey don't go. I saw how you were treated and want to be your friend since you seem not to have much." He said motioning at the table. I then just sat down. He smiled and asked very personal questions about me like "what time to you get home?" And "what's your contact information?" He also asked about my family and why I had a black bruise on my arm. I didn't say much and just lied about that bruise saying it was from me slamming into a wall. Which is kind of a true statement because I always walk onto walls when I have a black eye. The bell then rang meaning it was time for our last two classes of the day. "well see you soon." He said. It was now the end of the day and I was getting bullied by two sluts who like the new guy. I never even got his name. They were kicking me at the side of the school since this high school has a ton of different parts of the building sticking out and its very easy to hide. I already had a bruised leg and a bloody nose. I kept gettin up so I can run home which would be 5 miles away from the school. I then just laid on the ground for them to kick me as much as they want. It's obvious the schools buses were gone and I had to walk because my parents won't come pick me up. I then walked all the way home. I got weird looks from drivers. Once I got home it was late. And the walk home was all sore. I then checked my phone and saw I had ten new messages from the new guy. I looked at his name and saw his name was Jack. He was worried about me. I just told him that I was doing some really tough homework. I couldn't bear to tell him what really happened. When I got home though my dad was drunk on the couch and my mom was at work so I didn't have any bad chores to deal with. My parents weren't bothering me for the rest of the night. I got lucky today. The next day at school was ok. I got picked on but Jack surprised me by standing up for me and taking a punch for me too. One guy in the hall tried to trip me but Jack caught me. Why is he doing this? Aren't we just friends? Friends don't do all of this right? He then sat with me at lunch and for the first time in five years made me laugh. Oh my gosh he is awesome but I thought I was a loaner. I can't imagine him even marrying me. Then I got a vision of us getting married and me cutting the cake in half. Then opening a present with a baby coming out. Oh god. Hopefully that doesn't happen. That day he walked me home. My dad was watching through the window. He looked peaceful as to not disturb neighbors and Jack that he was a drunk bastard. I have to say I have a huge crush on Jack and he's super popular still even though he is hanging out with a loser like me. Once I walked inside smiling I heard a growl from my right. "so you decided to bring your little boyfriend home?" My dad said drunk and very angry. I got scared as what he might do. He had a belt in hand. I backed up against a wall. He turned around and got his beer bottle with a knife in it. What's gonna happen?! Is he gonna kill me!? I thought in my head. My father then pulled the knife out and dragged me to a bed and used the belt to tie me down. I struggled of course not wanting this to happen. "Now for every struggle and every time you tried to escape I will cut you and take off one of your fingers. Don't scream or else you are gonna loose a leg and I'm going to make you repair your own body instead of taking you to a hospital." He said. Holy shit I was gonna die. I've been waiting for this day to happen but not like this. I thought I would die from suicide not from my father abusing me or actually killing me. I screamed so much. Some how Jack heard and rushed inside. He saw my dad on top of me hurting me and fought my dad. Once my dad was down he untied me and hugged me. "lets get you out of here." He said in my ear as he got a lot of my things like clothes, my phone, headphones, books, shoes, my stuffed bear from my mother when she was nice, and a hoodie. "lets go." He took my hand and we rushed out of there. He then took me out of the house and told me to stay there for a minute. I was out there longer than a minute then he came out all bloody. I then got scared again and started backing up. "don't worry I just took care of your father so he can't hurt you anymore. Your mother is dead though in a car crash. You can stay with me." Jack said. I cried. I never thought someone could be so nice.

Ok this is the end of this book I hope you all liked that little happy ending. It was all I could think of to end Sad Stories. I hope you all enjoyed these stories I just don't have any more ideas for this book. Well that's all for now have a lovely day!

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