My friend

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I am sitting right now in my room against a wall. My friend passed away this week but I am the only one who knows the reason why she passes away. Well she was always getting sick after I gave her my necklace. It was a necklace I thought we should wear since we were friends. I knew she was always into jewelry and necklaces but I wasn't so I never wore mine. 

She on the other hand always wore hers whether it was in the shower or to the store or just anywhere. It was a weird shaped heart necklace. It was a full one and it said Forever on mine and BEST FRIENDS on hers. Well one day I went to her house for a sleepover. Once I got there she seemed different than usual. I just didn't think much about it because many times people feel this way. Well she seemed a bit more depressed than usual but when I asked her she just said that she had a little talk with her parents about her time with friends out. Well I saw a little pink glow out of the corner of my eye.

 I didn't get to see where it was because it vanished in a flash. We just sat in her room and set up some candy corn because that is our favorite candy. We set up a movie to watch and ate the candy. We actually ate the whole bag. Don't judge us we here are fat just your average 14 year old. Once we were in the middle of the movie she paused it as I just gave her a questioning look. She just said that she wanted me to come with her into the woods. I agreed to go with her into the woods. Its just right outside her window. Once we walked into the woods she traveled off the trail.

 I asked her what she was doing and she replied with looking for Slender in a joking way. I just went with her and her obsession with thrilling stuff. We walked too far off the trail and found a cliff. She decided to jump in but I held onto her hand before she fell in. I asked her if she were crazy and she said no, took out her pocket knife and started cutting my fingers so I would let go but I never let her go. I can't loose a friend! She started to pull me in with her and despite my wrestling with my brother she was in swimming and she was much stronger than me and we both fell into the ocean. Yes it was an ocean. We splashed in it. It was very deep but she kept her grip on me. 

I felt as if I couldn't breathe. My breath was running out but then I saw the look in my friends eyes. She had a look of true sorry and let me go bringing me back up to the surface. She then was pulled down farther in the ocean by an invisible force. I looked in surprise and shock of what I was seeing. She went down deeper and deeper. She was going down so fast. I tried to catch up to her and yes I was out of breath and my vision was going black. I don't even remember getting back up to the surface. All I remember is waking up after a week in my bed awake and being hugged. All I really remember is my friend being pulled to the bottom of the ocean by an invisible force. So now I am crying typing this out in my closet hoping my family won't find me like this. So if you don't feel any emotion or even a spark of sadness then I am guessing you have no soul unless you are very lonely because now I know how the people who are all alone feel. 

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