Things Have Changed

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Kellin's P.O.V.

Everything is happening fast. All of reality went downhill as soon as Johnnie had the suicide attempt it only reminded me of the events that happened with Vic and I about 2 years ago.

The pain started on that day. It held so much regret, pain, suffering, sadness, and anger. I thought our relationship was going so well, I know now that was my first mistake. It started with Vic not talking to me for months, only texting me when he was leaving or coming back. Not even those sweet 'I love you' texts. Then it got worse. Beatings from Vic happened on a daily and he left me to cry in my room with absolutely no sympathy.
At that point in my life I wanted to do what Johnnie did now. I wanted to die, but somehow in my shriveled up little heart there was still hope that Vic still loved me for me. Months after he opened back up to me and started to love me for who I am again. And now I am so happy we stayed together.
*back to present*

Since Vic has been here he has been more supportive of both Johnnie and I. Which is weird because I thought he didn't care for Johnnie, guess I was wrong. "Well might as well go see how he's doing." I said grabbing my jacket and walking outside the room.

Walking down the hall to Johnnie's room, I was bumped to the floor. "H-Hey watch where you're going." I said looking back at the figure to bumped me. "I'm sorry dude, I don't mean any trouble." He spoke. I recognized his voice from somewhere. I glanced at his features. White male, Glasses, brown hair and slicked back but fluffy, he had multiple tattoos on one arm, I knew who it was when I saw the little P mixed with an exclamation point on his upper arm.

"Brendon?." I asked tilting my head waiting for a response. He looked up at me and smiled slightly. "Hey, Kellin right?" I smiled back. "That's me. What are you doing here?." Brendon answered. "I have a friend here that I was gonna stop by and see. You?" "Oh well me and my brother were admitted here about a year ago." I answered. "Really? You have a brother?." Brendon questioned being quite surprised. "Y-Yeah. Well he's not my biological brother but I will always treat him like a brother." I smiled. "Oh wow Kellin didn't know you had anybody else. Well tell you what, you tell me what room you're in now and after I'm done visiting my buddy Spencer, Ill come be with you. That cool?." Brendon answered holding out his hand. I reached out and shook it. "Yeah thanks man. Room 276. See you later." I smiled releasing my hand from his grip. "See ya." Brendon waved as he walked down the hall. 

Walking down the hall to Johnnie's room, I stopped and hid around the corner and over heard a conversation that was currently taking place in  front of his door. I looked past the corner and started to feel hate course through my body. Standing in front of the door was Vic and Jaime. I thought those two would never talk again but that wasn't the case. Afraid Vic would catch me watching them I hid back behind the corner to listen in.

"Vic you don't belong here. You're not like him. I know you're a good person, you gotta leave this place." Jaime said. "I don't understand why you think I am so stupid to think I would leave here with you and forget about Kellin." Vic replied, sounding quite angry and annoyed. "Ha... You are still talking about Kellin huh? After all this time you didn't give up on a nut case like him? You know he's not stable... C'mon Vic you could do so much better." Jaime answered back to Vic. I covered my mouth and sunk to the floor of the hallway. My mind raced about how Vic would answer. Surely he didn't think the same. Did he? "Y-You honestly think that I would leave him at a time like this? Yeah I didn't give up on Kellin because unlike you I still see the good in him. I have chosen to stay with him because he's too fragile to face the world alone. Yes I know he can be different and difficult sometimes, but I love him for who he is. Not just because he's here." Jaime laughed "Honestly Vic, you think he deserves you after all he's done? I don't think you even love him anymore... Do you?" Vic didn't answer right away, which made me think that Jaime was right. "I.... I don't know...." Vic answered softly. Tears silently fell from my eyes as I realized that Vic didn't care about me anymore. "you have to let go Vic..." Jaime said. It took everything in me not to go up and confront Vic, I couldn't do that. Not now at least.

I quickly got up and wiped away the tears that had blurred my vision and started running past them and out of the building. "K-Kellin?" I heard Vic call as I ran out the doors. "Didn't know he was around the corner." Jaime said faintly. "God damnit Jaime... You have to ruin everything." Vic said and leaving Jaime to find me. I heard my name being called behind me as I ran down the halls to my room. I opened the door, locked it and went into my closet. Tears falling from my face I reached for my box of shiny friends and grabbed a blade. I started off slowly but as I continued I started hacking and treating my body harshly. Maybe what Jaime said was true, I am a worthless piece of being and no one should have to be burdened with me. My life is so pitiful I have no idea why anyone would stick around this long. The cuts continued to get harsher as I covered my wrists, arms and upper thighs with cuts. I felt better, I finally felt a sense of importance. Doing this was the only way to get attention from anyone, better yet them acknowledging my existence. But I didn't care anymore. My heart was in the middle of being torn in two

Moments later I heard pounding on the door and Vic calling my name. "Kellin, please open the door. Please don't let yourself suffer alone. I need you to be ok. Please let me explain, because I assume you heard everything. Please I want you to understand. Let me help you. I want you to be safe. Open the door please." Vic said. I could hear the sadness and strain in his voice. "Then explain why you said what you did..." I whispered. I pulled my sleeves down and dropped the blade. I slowly got up and made my way to the door. I opened the little hatch that in the door and looked out to Vic. "K-Kells?..." Vic whispered. "You promised me that you would never break my heart again....." I choked out. "I promised you that..and I swear I have always kept that promise... Just let me explain..." Vic pleaded. I hesitated to answer. I shut the latch, took a breath, and wiped the tears from my eyes. I unlocked the door and stood in front of Vic. "I'm just stupid... I cant figure anything out." I whispered as Vic slowly approached me and hugged me. "I'll teach you to love again." I slowly and shakily wrapped my arms around him. I wonder if I can trust him. Time to find out.

(Its backkkkk and better than ever. I added Brendon for a little twist and don't worry he'll be in the rest of the story... No one knows what I'm using him for EXCEPT ME HA. xD. Anyway things are constantly changing and things keep happening. But i will write more tomorrow. I promise you guys that.)

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