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Vic's P.O.V.

What ever happened to a happy ending. Well you know what, that doesnt happen to people like me. Now that Kellin is away from me forever I dont know how to handle this, he was my everything. Everything happened so fast, almost to fast for me to figure. I dont know what Im going to do without him here.

I walked back into my house and felt empty. Mike waved and greeted me as I walked in, nothing was going to help, nothing felt right in the world. I slowly walked up the staircase and opened the door to my room. I looked around remembering all the happy times Kellin and I had here. I laid down on my bed and thought about him.

Thoughts filled my head of why it should've been me to take his place. I was almost positive that Kellin missed me more, Im the one whos letting him down. I sighed and started singing the song that he wrote for us "They say that love is forever, your forever is all that I need." I forgot what he named the it but to me it was perfect. I didnt feel right without my light lying next to me. This will take awhile.

I didnt talk to anyone for the next few days, who did I have to talk to. Kellin was the only thing on my mind. Sitting outside in the park I thought about everything, my relationship, my life, and who I was. I couldn't help but shed tears as I thought about what I would still have if I didnt ruin him. Moments later I was joined by Jaime, who I didnt want to see right now but I guess he could take my mind off things. "Hey Vic, youre looking kinda down. Everything ok?" Jaime questioned taking a seat next to me. "Yeah.. I've been thinking." I answered quietly. He looked around and then looked back at me. "Dude wheres Kellin? I thought you guys would be together for sure. I mean you guys are still together right?" He questioned. I kept silent, he knew perfectly well that when Kellin wasnt around he would try to get back with me. And I spoke too soon.

As soon as Jaime knew that Kellin wasnt with me he almost instantly went to put his arm around me, I leaned forward getting up from my seat. "You know what, I think Im gonna go. See ya Jaime." I said, wiping the tears and walking away slowly. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me close to him. "Where are you going? You dont have Kellin anymore so why not stay here." Jaime said, pulling me closer. "Honestly you think I would get back with you? God you must be joking." I yelled, I broke from his grasp and honestly wanted to punch him. How dare he try to take advantage of me when Im at the weakest. I mean I know hes jealous that Kellin and I have been together for so long, but this is not what I need right now. "Come on Vic, whats so bad about moving on? I dont think theres anything left for you in him." He joked, thats where I lost it. "How dare you say that. You are only jealous because I broke up with you all those years ago. I dont care about you anymore, not like that anyway. Kellin is and was my everything, no matter how far appart he is. If you ask me, it should be me locked up in that mental hospital, and Im sure you would have done everything you could to Kellin to break him right? Just so you could get back with me all together. Real selfish Jaime." I said. Jaime stood there with a shocked expression knowing that everything I just said was true. "I see... But thats not what your heart says.. Later Vic." Jaime said calmly as he walked away.

I couldnt think about this right now, sure I was in rage but I had more important things to do. I walked home and started packing bags. Mike walked in "What are you doing? Leaving for somewhere?" He questioned somewhat scared. "Yeah, Im going somewhere I should have been along time ago." I whispered. He pulled my shoulder to make me turn towards him. "You cant be serious.. Vic you dont belong there." Mike said angerly. I looked at him and told him the honest truth "To save Kellin."

Kellin's P.O.V.

Its been about a week since Ive been here. When me and Johnnie both got here we were both separated, I was put in the older section of the hospital, and Johnnie in the younger. Even though we were only 3 years apart we had to be separated due to 'Medical Reasons' that the doctors wouldn't tell us about. That's how it all started.

Now its been a month.

I haven't talked to anyone, cause there's no one to talk to really. Everyone here was either strick or going to kill me. I only saw Johnnie once a week, him and I only spent time in our rooms alone not wanted to be bothered by anyone. People have tried talking to me but no one made it through.

I woke up the next day, more tired than ever. I dreaded everyday I woke up here.

Our Misadventuresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें