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Kellin's P.O.V

Everything was going better than I expected. My life was finally opened up after the dark years that my brother and I had to go through. Its true my father targeted us both as victims but it bothered me more that he hurt Johnnie, Ive said multiple times to put the blame on me, but he refused. 

I was shocked back into reality when I felt someones arms wrapped around my torso. I jumped, looking back to see I had nothing to worry about. My boyfriend of four years was burying his head in my neck. "Is everything aright, Kells?" He questioned, while speaking into my skin. "You know Vic, I cant understand you when you do this." I laughed while he turned me around and gazed into my eyes.

"You love me anyway." He said as he pulled me closer to his face. I replied by pressing our lips together in a kiss that I had waited for. "I take that as a yes" Vic said as he pulled away. I nodded and hugged him tightly. I traced the word 'Kellic' onto the back of his shirt, since that was our ship name.  

Hours had passed and I was laying in Vic's arms when my phone buzzed. I glanced at the notification and my heart dropped. It read 'Kellin Quinn Botswick, come home immediately or else you will face the consequences. -Mom' I sighed. They hated it when I left the house to go see Vic, but I couldnt say no. I leaned up from Vic and began to make my way home. Vic grabbed my arm and turned me towards him. "Woah, Kells whats wrong? Your face is pale.."  He said with a worried expression. I looked down at the floor. "I'm alright.. I have to go now, See you later" I replied and continued walking away. Vic wouldnt question me, he never has.

I opened the door to the basement and snuck my way in. No one ever checked the basement, I looked around and thats when it hit me. I made my way quietly up the stairs and heard loud crashes outside the door. A familiar voice sounded from beyond the doors. "THEY WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH! YOURE THE REASON WE RAISED THEM TO BECOME LIKE THIS!" It sounded like my mother and father were arguing again. 

Tears filled my eyes as I walked back to my bed. Minutes later the door flew open with my father standing in the doorway. He made eye contact with me and walked over dropping the glass he held in his hand and grabbed me by my shirt collar. "You think you can leave this house and go run off with your gay little boyfriend? Is that what you think?! Answer me." He shouted. I opened my mouth to answer but before I could I was thrown painfully to the floor. I winced in pain and looked up at the devil of a man. "You'll never be good enough, faggot. You and your brother should be dead." He said kicking me repeatedly in my rib cage. I screamed out in pain while he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me to his face. "You wouldn't want me to get HIM on you, would you?" He smirked. "Y-Youre joking..." I said quietly eyes full of fear. He slapped me hard on my cheek and threw me to the floor. "You definately deserve him now..." He said as he walked back upstairs slamming my bedroom door as he stood in the door frame. "Oh.. and dont tell Johnnie... We have a little surprise for both of you. And dont get your hopes up... its not a good one" He said exiting the room. 

Whatever he had going on my heart raced at the thought of anything bad happening to Johnnie. I slowly made my way up and walked over to my box of shiny friends. I opened it and looked at all of the blades that have been stained in blood. "One more time.... It cant hurt..." I whispered picking up one of the blades , setting the box down and sitting on the floor. Slowly but hurtfully I dragged the blade across my ribs, legs and wrist. Red threads started to appear as I continued to make harsh cut marks. 

The pain gave me a rush of happiness.. "Vic.." is all I remeber saying before I passed out.

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