Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Michael POV

I’m walking down the stairs ready to go off on Kelsey.

I go downstairs and see her in the kitchen but when I call her name she turns around and she’s crying…

This is awkward.

“I’m sorry.” She says

I don’t really know what to do. I haven’t really comforted anyone before beside Skilar.

I never wanted to comfort anyone besides her.

I don’t really care why she’s sad I just want to go back up by Skilar.

I hug her anyway and tell her it’s okay.

“What happened?” She asked after she was done crying.

I tell her the story and that makes her cry again…

I bring her to her room and out her in her bed because she won’t stop crying and looks crazy with her hair and her lack of sleep.

I turn off her light and start to walk out the room and she says, “Thanks Michael.”

It made me feel good that I had helped someone.

I lost that feeling after I remember what happened to Skilar.

I fast walk to her room and open the door to see her in her sleep. She looks like she’s having a bad dream. She’s shaking a little.

I go over to her bed and take off my shoes and shirt and hop into her bed.

I pull her closer to me, hoping to calm her down.

Surprisingly she calmed. She stopped shaking and turned into my chest.

Skilar POV

Waking up in Michael’s arms again made me wake up in a good mood.

I see that it’s still dark outside and decide to go make dinner for us.

I hope Kelsey isn’t still mad at me.

I decide to just order pizza because I know that’s Michael’s favorite.

Before I head downstairs I check on Kelsey and she’s sleeping too.

I then sit on the couch and pull the laptop off the coffee table and start to talk to my friends over facebook.

Danny, one of my best friends from America messaged me.

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