Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I arrive to my new home and knock on the door. I needed to apologize to my mom about my behavior and that I was gone this long without telling her where I was.

The door opens and my mom hugs me and I feel like I'm about to pop.

"Please don't ever run away like that. I know this is a shock about us moving here but I think you will like it! Brock has a room just for you its really nice. I think you will like it. Also your school is only a few blocks away so you can walk! Please just give this a try and I think if you do you will find yourself enjoying this." My mom rushed those words out of her mouth.

"Okay I will try my best."

"Thank you so much!!" She said and kissed me on my check.

"Brock, honey bring her the present!"

"Coming!" Brock shouts back.

"You're going to love it!" She tells me. She seems really excited.

Brock comes in and brings me a box.

"Hope you like it.. This is a present for accepting to give me a chance."

"Thanks." I say and open my present. My eyes go wide. I can't believe he bought me this. It's an iPhone 5.

"Thank you so much. I can't believe you bought me this. You didn't have too." I say to Brock. I really am thankful for the gift but that doesn't mean I will not be mad at my mom for not telling me we're living with her boyfriend.

"Welcome, well it's a school night and you have school tomorrow. You should got to your room and go to sleep."

I nod and start walking up to the stairs and realize I have no clue where my room is.

"Wait where's my room?"

"Last door on the right." Brock responded.


I walk down the very long hallway and stop at my door.

Once I opened my door I realized that it was white and had no bed or furniture or anything.

I walk back down the stairs and run into the living room. Brock and my mom were all cuddled up watching TV.

"Wait I'm confused? Where do I sleep?"

"Tomorrow after Brock gets off of work we are going to go furniture shopping and pick a color for your walls. Just sleep in the room across from that room."

"Okay night guys."

"Night" they both said in unison.

I went to the room across and saw my suitcase sitting in the bed. I picked out my outfit for the first day of school tomorrow and went to bed.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and didn't feel like waking up at all. I know I needed to get up so I could get ready.

I hopped in the shower connected to the room. Then I put my outfit on and I decided to wear plain black leggings and a long shirt. I didn't want to wear a fancy outfit because I didn't want people to think I was trying too hard. I left my hair down and curly. I didn't wear any make up.

I slipped on my toms and headed down stairs.

Mom and Brock were still sleeping so I decided to just to leave. I see an envelope with Australia North Prep written across it. I open it and see my class schedule. On the envelope I see the address and type it in on my new iPhone and head out the door to start walking.

It was windy when I walked out of my house. I'm really nervous about today because I'm not good with meeting new friends but then I remember I have Kat. She said she would introduce me to her friends but then if her friends are anything like her then they might not like me. We're extremely different but we got along really nice so maybe her friends will like me. Maybe...

I follow the directions in my phone and they lead me to this huge campus. I was shocked at the size of this campus. I walked into the front gates and tried to not look at the people looking at me. I just kept my head down and tried to find the front office.

When I finally found the front office I was sent to the dean's office. She was very nice and gave me directions to all my classes and gave me a late pass for all my classes incase I did get lost. She seemed extremely nice.

My first class was History and I was excited because I love History and I'm good at it. The teacher introduced me to the class and it went by really fast. I didn't talk to anyone I just kind of kept my head down and stayed in my own bubble.

My second class was Chemistry and I wasn't thrilled at all because I hate science.

I'm at the class five minuets late because I got lost and went down the wrong hallway.

I walk in and all eyes are on me and I do not like it.

"Hello you must be miss Skilar Dock?" The teacher said. I think his name was Mr. Brown.

"Yes Sir." I said with a nervous smile.

I heard a few chuckles and I'm pretty sure they were because I said sir.

Great.. first two minuets with these kids and they're already laughing at me.

"Okay miss Dock, you didn't really miss anything just take a seat. You are about to find out your lab partner."

Mr. Brown went on talking about how you and your lab partner should work as a team and al this other stuff that I was not paying attention to. I didn't like having partners I liked working on my own.

"Lets start pairing you kids up! When I call two names come and sit at the table I point too" Wow he's excited.

"Luke and Calum you will be partners." They both high fived and I heard the kid behind me say "This teacher's a dumbass"

I can't believe he just said that... to a teacher.. thank god the teacher didn't hear him. The teacher just kept on going..

"Kelsey and Mary"

"Lexi and Brad"

"Ashton and Molly"

"Laura and Nick"

"Gabe and Cameron"

"Skilar and Michael" Wait was that my name I heard... I'm pretty sure it was but I'm not sure..

I just got up and walked to the desk he pointed too.

"Frank and Don"

My table was right next to Calum and Luke's table.

Michael gave them a smirk and high fived.

Michael turned around and said, "Ashton how you doing back there?"

"I'm doing fine Michael! I don't know what the teacher was thinking when he out you three idiots by each other. Don't worry he'll regret it soon." Then winked at Michael.

The teacher finished calling the rest of the names and then wrote on the board small groups.

He then started explaining, "Okay so the person next to you will be your partner for the whole year. So get used to them. But every once in a while I will say you can work in your big groups, which will be the group next to you. For example, Calum, Luke, Michael and Skilar. Would be partners when I say big groups. Do you guys understand?"

We all nod.

"Okay so for the rest of class you will get to know your partner. There is a list of questions that you could ask your partner."

This couldn't be that bad. Boy was I wrong...


Thank you for reading!

Love you!

Unexpected { Michael Clifford / 5SOS Fanfic}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें