Chapter 1

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Just letting you know now, people say moving to a new country is hard but to be completely honest moving to a new school is even more of a challenge. My mom moved me to Australia after she met her dream man.

When our plane lands, I'm extremely nervous and have no clue what to expect. I have no clue what Australia is like. I have no clue what the people are like. I just plan on studying extremely hard so I can get back to America so I can see all my family and friends. I never made bad grades I always maintained straight A's with a B every once in a while but for the most part I'm a really good student. Now that I'm thinking about it I'm a really good child. I never get in trouble. I never talk back and my moms really lucky I'm like that because if I wasn't shy I would have voiced my opinion about coming here it Australia. I don't want to be here. I don't like change and this is the biggest change I have ever had in my life and it sucks. I have nothing here I don't have any friends.

It was hard enough for me to make friends the first time and now I have to do it all over again. This will be fun.

"Ski aren't you coming?" My mom said.

I nodded.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I forgot we landed. We were the last two on the plane.

While walking down to baggage claim my mom kept going on and on about how excited she is to be here and how much I will love this place and how wonderful it is. This got me really mad because there was nothing wrong with America but I would never have the guts to tell my mom that.

"Ski you have been zoning out a lot lately. Is there anything that's bothering you?"

Yes you moved me to a new country bitch. Wow that was mean even if that was only in my head. Wait I'm zoning out again.

"No nothing's wrong. I'm fine." I say with one of my fake smiles. I think of really good comebacks but they never ever come out and that's because I'm a really awkward person and shy.

"Okay! Well I can't wait for you to start school tomorrow! You will have so much fun!" She chirped while trying to hail down a cab.

I just responded with a "sure"

"Just think you can become a whole new person! We can go get you a whole new wardrobe."

"Mom I like my style.." I really don't mind it. Maybe if I had a little more self confidence then I would wear nicer cloths but my cloths aren't that bad.

"You can even stop being so shy and break out of that shell you have."

"Mom just stop please." I didn't want to yell at her when we just got here.

"Fine okay I get it no new style but what about jut new clothes. You are starting a new school tomorrow. You need some nice cloths. Please"

"If I go will you stop bothering me about my choice of clothes."

"Yes! So does that mean we can go?"

"Yes, look the cabs here."

She claps her hands and throws out clothes into the trunk. We could only bring a suitcase full of cloths and the rest is getting shipped.

"I can't wait for you to see the house." She says and I just look out of the window and take in that I will be living here for a while.

Before I know it the taxi stops.

"We're here!" My mom squeals. She hops out of the car.

This isn't an apartment. This is a mansion.

"Mom how can we aff-" Before I could even finish my question Brock steps out.

My mom runs into his arms and turns to me. "Skilar I wanted it to be a surprise you. We're going to be living with Brock."

"What." I'm beyond pissed right now. I don't like to yell at my mom because she always tries to do things for me but they always end up making me mad or helping her and not me in the end.

"You're not happy..?" She asks.


"No I'm fine. I'm just in shock. I need to go for a walk." I need to be away from her before I say something I'll regret.

I don't start walking. I start running. I have no clue where I'm going but I need to go anywhere but that house. I turn down a couple a streets until I hit a park. I see a swing set. Swings calm me. I run to the swing set and just start swinging.

It starts to get dark so I decide to head back to Brock's house. I jump off the swing and start walking back to the playgrounds exit. I look up and see something in the sky and before I realize it I'm on the ground.

I really need to stop zoning out.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" A girl tells me while she kneels next to me seeing if I'm hurt.

"Yeah, I'm fine. No need to apologize it was my fault." I respond and look up at the girl and her hair is bright pink.

"Are you new around her? I have never seen you before. My names Kat." She stands up and offers me her hand.

"I am new here. I just moved here from America. My names Skilar."

"That's a cool name! What school are you going to attend?"

"I think Australia North Prep."

"No way! I go there! What grade are you in?"

"I'm going to be a junior."

"Me too! Hopefully we're in some classes together! You seem really chill!"

"Thanks, it was nice meeting you but I should be getting home."

"Okay bye Ski! Hope you don't mind that I shortened you name."

"No it's fine. I don't care. Bye Kat"

"Wait one more thing. Tomorrow we should meet up so I can introduce you to my friends."

"Okay sounds great"

On my walk back to Brock's house I thought about how different Kat was from all my friends back home but it didn't bother me too much because she seemed really nice. I like her a lot.

She was my first friend here.


Love you.

Unexpected { Michael Clifford / 5SOS Fanfic}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz