Chapter 33

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I realised how short that chapter was so I just uploaded this one too! Please still vote and comment on both! It means a lot to me!

Chapter 33

“Skilar are you okay?” I hear someone say.

I look up and see a very confused Calum.

“Yeah I’m---”

“Where did she go?” Michael yells right behind me. I guess he didn’t know I was in the room but when his eyes found mine he looked pissed.

“Skilar you’re coming with me.” Michael said in a very angry voice.

I really don’t want to deal with him right now.

“Michael I’m going home.”

“No” He yells

“What’s going on Mi--” Ashton didn’t even finish his sentence when his eyes landed on me.

“Ash what’s the prob?” Luke walks into the dorm and walks straight into the kitchen grabs an apple and walks back into the room. HE finally realizes what’s going on and his eyes widen.

“Look who’s here.” Jace says

“I’m leaving” I say.

“I will bring you home.” Calum says.

“Hell with that. You are not going anywhere with her.”

Michael takes a step closer to me.

My head tells me to back up, to run from him. That I should be scared but I’m not.

I know Michael will never hurt me physically. He might mentally but not physically.

“Mikey just take a breath. Skilar are you okay with him brining you home or would you rather one of us take you?” Ashton asks

“I’ll go with him.”

They all looked shocked. Even Michael.

He grabs his keys from the counter and rushes out of the dorm.

His one step is like two of my steps. I literally have to jog to catch up to him.

We get to his car but doesn’t get in.

“Michael are you..” He cuts me off before I could finish.

“Do you really mean what you said in there?” He looks up at me and looks me right in the eye.

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