Chapter 3: The Legendary White Wizard

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3rd POV

Team Natsu plus Aria is heading to the great lion's den." So, where does the lion live anyway?", asked Natsu.

"I-I heard it l-lives in a-an e-enchanted cave.", Lucy said while folding her arms together, trying to keep herself warm.

"You all right Aria?", Gray asked as he noticed that Aria seemed to shiver a bit.

"I'm all right, don't worry about me.", she replied.

They walked for hours and hours around mount Hakobe but doesn't seem to be able to find the enchanted cave." Just where the heck is this cave?!", Natsu started to lose his temper. The team started bickering, meaning Natsu and Gray, with Erza trying to stop them. While they were busy fighting, Aria looked around and noticed something strange towards the surrounding so she started to ask," why is the cave called the enchanted cave anyway?"

The fighting stopped and the team turned to look at Aria," now that you mention it, why is that?", Lucy wondered herself.

"If the cave is enchanted just like its name.", Aria started to brainstorm," doesn't that mean the cave itself possesses magic, like the ability to make itself invisible or the ability to create illusions."

"So what now?", Natsu asked.

"Actually, I've noticed something strange.", Aria said.

"What is it?", Lucy started to ask.

"If my theory is correct then we must be in the enchanted cave now.", Aria concluded.

"I don't understand, what do you mean by ' we're in the enchanted cave now'?", Natsu asked.

"Isn't it obvious, we're in the middle of a blizzard but neither Lucy and I are feeling cold, this is an illusion created by the cave!", just when Aria finished her explanation, all of them was hit by a strong force and their back landed on an invisible wall. The scenery in front of them started to change into a cave filled with nothing but darkness, no light nor entrance could be found which meant they had ventured too deep into the cave. One thing is clear though, a giant beast was definitely in front of them, they could feel its hot breath and its loud breathing.

"What have you all come here for?", the beast started to speak which startled everyone," don't tell me you're after my claws."

With what the beast had just said, there's no mistaking it that the beast in front of them was indeed the great snow lion." If you would be so kind Mr.Lion, please give us one of your claws," Happy started to try convincing the lion," you're a lion and I'm a cat, we're cousins so you can trust me!"

"No matter who you are or what you are, I will not give up my claws!", he said and started to roar loudly that even the cave's shaking. Natsu started to light the cave with his fire and standing in front of them was a giant lion with fur as pure as white and eyes as red as blood. The lion was just about to squash them like a bug with its paws but he stopped when his gaze fell upon Aria.

Aria, on the other hand, was protected, meaning hugged, by Gray and she closed her eyes to wait for the impact but it didn't come. She opened her eyes only to see a pair of red eyes staring at her. The lion draws his face near Aria and sniffed her scent which made her and the others confused." Umm........ Mr.Lion, what are you doing and why did you stop attacking us?", Happy bravely asked.

"Young lady, are you perhaps Aria?", the lion asked, ignoring Happy's question which caused Happy to start sulking in a corner, making him think that he was an unimportant character.

"How do you know my name?", Aria asked.

"For heaven's sake, everyone knows you!", the lion exclaimed.

"Well, even I don't know who I am myself.", Aria said," I forget who I am actually, all I remember is my name and a man named Acnologia."

"I see.", the lion seemed to be in deep thought," I'd love to tell you everything related to you but some memories are better be forgotten forever."

"Even so, please tell who I am and what happened to me, I beg of you, it agonizing to not know my past."

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you everything, it's for your own good.", Aria was just about to give up hope when the great lion spoke again," but I can tell you something about yourself of course."

Aria and the others listened carefully as the lion was about to tell them who Aria is," you were also known as the Maiden of the Heavens back then.", he started," there were also other alias's, the holy maiden, the master of strategist but most of all, you were known as the legendary white wizard, Aria. A wizard capable of standing on the same level as the black wizard Zeref, a wizard the opposite of Zeref but just as powerful as he is."

"What? A wizard as powerful as Zeref, no way!", Lucy was surprised to hear the truth about Aria and it's not just her, everyone was surprised as well, even Aria herself.

"You possess holy magic, it's considered as one of the lost magics now though."

"What else? Do you know what happened to me? Why was I found unconscious and injured in tenroujima?", she started asking lots of questions.

"Forgive me but I can't answer those questions. If I do, the nightmare of what happened 400 years ago will come and haunt you."

"So Aria's like more than 400 years old?", Happy asked which earned him a bump on the head from Erza as she said," read the mood!"

"So, about the claw........",now it's Natsu's turn to earn a bump on the head from Erza.

"I won't give it up, it's not something for humans to hold and possess.", he said," give up and go home and Aria, if there's anything troubling you, just ask me and I'll try to help."

The team started going back to the guild empty handed. During the journey of going back home, Aria couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her 400 years ago. Despite the warning from the great lion, she's determine to find out what happened 400 years ago.

"Oh yeah! I forgot!"

"What's wrong flame brain."

"Shut up Gray!", Natsu yelled," we forgot to ask the name of the lion!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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