"Oh. Yeah."

"Where are the guess bedrooms."

"Umm just around this corner. Why?"

"Can we talk there? My legs and me are kinda getting tiered." He nodded and led the way. Once we got there I practically throw myself on the sofa that was in the room.


"I try." I giggled. Wow I never giggle.

He was just staring at me. Damn it I probably have something on my face.

"What, do I have something on my face?" I asked while he was making his way to the sofa.

"Only beauty." He stated while stroking my cheek with his hand.

"W-What.. I-I don't...." I couldn't speak. Something about Sebastian just simply touching my cheek makes me feel all giddy.

"I have to tell you something,Camila."

I have no words right now so I just nodded like some idiot.

He continued. "I have no idea how to tell you this-"

"With words" I interrupted and I laughed. So did he which was surprising.

"Okay here it goes then." He sighed. "Camila I think you are beautiful and every time you smile I feel like nothing in the world can go wrong as long as you are happy. And I like you more than just a friend should."

I was so lost. He likes me!!??

I couldn't think anymore because his lips met mine and it was something I couldn't imagine. It was like sparks lit up every time our lips moved. This was amazing. I slowly made my way into a laid down position and Sebastian was hovering over me. Our lips never left each other's. This was something I never felt with anyone else: lust.

I placed my hands on his neck and his where around my waist trying to get me as close as humanly possible. This was... I can't even explain. My hands went to his hair and I gently tugged on his hair. He let out a low moan and I giggle in response. We break apart for like two seconds and then we continued.

God how did I go from one amazing guy to another? Oh my god Nick! How could I do this to him!? After what he did for me! Protecting me like that, nearly cost him his life. I gently put my hand on Sebastian's chest and pushed back a little.

"What's wrong?" He arched his eyebrows.

"I-I'm sorry. I c-can't. I mean I want to believe me I do but I just... I can't do that to Nick." I got up and walked out. Oh my god. That was .... yeah. I touched my lips to find them swollen and red.

Oh shit! I got to go home moms probably worried sick I haven't been home for two days. I have to be there when she wakes up or she will flip out.

I ran back to Sebastian's room grabbed my bag and went to see if I had money for the bus.

Nope. No. Nada. I am so screwed. Wait this is my so called fathers house right? So his Casa is my casa. And his cars are my cars. Same difference.

I Met Them In DetentionWhere stories live. Discover now