68. Guests Coming Over

Start from the beginning

Francesco laughed bitterly "You missed my mother's absence perhaps amongst many other things that I do not wish to discuss with you. Your dear brother was never the perfect father. lets say he did some irreversible damage that makes Costanzo and I have nightmares to this day."

Pietro spoke "I am sorry. Francesco I had no idea. But we didnt know. We would have done something. The Don does not know. He may have taken the custody away"

Francesco spoke "Really? I find that hard to believe. He wouldn't have reunited us with our mother though. Would he have done that if he knew about how abusive his son was towards his grandchildren? Would he have done anything if he knew Costanzo and I were beaten up badly if we contradicted our father in the smallest way? Would he have cared at all if he knew how Costanzo and I were walking on egg shells with our father at all times?"

Pietro spoke "He agrees even to this day that your mother deserved her long banishment for trying something that could kill you. The Don believed Paulo should have killed your mother back then but he left the judgment to Paulo......The Don could never forgive your mother but he would have taken Costanzo and you in for a while until Paulo sorted out his anger issues. Paulo is on medication now helping to control his temper. He admitted to me now that he had anxiety attacks and by the sounds of it he must have taken it out on you and Costanzo. I am so sorry Francesco. My brother must have been too proud to go to a doctor for this...."

Francesco spoke "Do you still expect me to forgive and forget? I was a defenseless child and my father hurt me when I had no chance of defending myself. He hurt Costanzo and I badly for saying no to the most minor instructions that most parents resolve by grounding their children...He hurt Costanzo and I repeatedly... Now I am not defenseless. Now I can defend myself. Now that he has no chance against me, he has suddenly realised he was having anger issues. Not good enough. So tell me. Do you really expect me to forget?"

Pietro shook his head as he looked outside the window " I just know I am truly sorry. I know you cant forgive. Then don't. But don't take my father on. Paulo is my father's favourite son..."

Francesco laughed "How ironic. He is the worst out of three of you in family life..."

Pietro looked at Francesco "I would hate to admit it but my father may show no sympathy even if he found out about what Paulo did. He might make excuses and say it was his wife's fault. I can see him do that. He has done it before. He always blamed others for Paulo's mistakes or flaws in any matter. Paulo is treated differently to everyone in this household. Believe it or not, my Mama even gets no special treatment but Paulo does. So you can try asking the Don for justice but I don't think he would give it to you..."

Francesco laughed "Why would I need his justice when I could have my own?"

Pietro stated "Think of Adele. Whether you like it or not, she is your only weakness. The Don knows it too. You cant do anything with her by your side."

Francesco spoke "You gave your advice. Now you take your leave... uncle."

Pietro spoke " I am sorry."

Francesco spoke "For what? For having a brother like my father? Or for having a father who's favouritism for his not so perfect son is alienating his grandchildren from himself. I could be closer to the Don if he wasn't so oblivious to his son's sins. The Don made Costanzo and I have dinner with the same man who beat me and Costanzo to a bloody pulp on many occasions..."

Pietro spoke "There is nothing I can do. I just wish I knew earlier. I would have protected you and Costanzo. My father would have surly protected his own grandchildren. He wouldn't have blamed Paulo but he would have gotten help for him to deal with his anger issues that affected his family life. I know you don't want to hear this.... but I cant help but think the Don may have done something to your mother if he knew earlier about what Paulo was upto in his household. I know my own father. He wants people to pay. He would have made your mother pay for putting his grand child in danger unless Paulo stopped him. knowing him back then, he wouldn't have. You may not like this meal time arrangements with your father but at least concentrate on your mother being there. if the Don knew earlier on he would have hurt your mother. Then you wouldn't have had her at the table. It is not so hard to imagine. So at least endure your father for the sake of your mother."

A Mob Boss's Family (Book 2 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now