A little girl

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A little girl 

- by Sophia Cac

I was a princess for her,

a fragile little girl to be taken care of.

I love the way she took care of me,

so lovingly, caring she was.

She protect me dearly,

taught me many things.

She was kind, gentle to touch.

I love her warmth.

But her warmth become a burning sun,

She begin to show me changes.

I was afraid, she shown me fear.

Only her words I hear, everything plays in my ears.

In my sight she invade, grip on me so tight.

My tears have shown no changes,

she as well never changes.

She took care of me too much that I grow afraid,

afraid of taking a single step.

On top I wish to reach,

I wish to bloom, but she blown me away.

She chain me inside myself, only to see darkness itself.

My mind I dwell, never knowing how well the light would felt.

I open my mouth, wishing to speak up.

As a single word come cross, a pain in any part shatter me.

I'm a little girl in her eyes,

something to keep in control forever more.

I wish to be out of this sweet home,

to be able to spread my wings to return back 

somewhere I would call my own home.

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