Heart Attack

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Gwen P.O.V

Like every morning the sun shined through my curtains and the birds were singing. I came out of bed and get dressed. I put on a blue shirt from Hollister and a pair of light jeans. When I went downstairs I heard someone yelling 'Oh my god,oh my god,oh my god!' Marie was hyperventilating. She had a letter from Riker and I think he wrote something really good. Otherwise Marie wouldn't go crazy at 9 am. I took some cereal and began eating. Rose came across the room muttering something. She was talking to someone on the phone and she didn't looked too happy. Jamie was watching Austin&Ally and singing along with Austin. And May was still in bed like always. I checked my e-mails and saw I had one from Harry.

Would you like to hang out sometime? What about Starbucks at 10.30?

Sure, I would love to. Till then !

Wow, THE Harry Styles wanted to hang out with me. This trip is getting better and better. I went to Ben's room upstairs. 'Hey Ben,can I borrow your car for an hour?' He looked up from his laptop and nodded. 'Sure, they're on my desk. Be carefull', he said when I got out of the room. Ben was such a sweatheart. I was really thankfull he let us stay at his place. I putted on some Vans and shouted my goodbye's at everyone. Starbucks was half and hour away and I didn't want to show up late.

Harry P.O.V

I was already sitting in Starbucks when Gwen came in. I waved at her and she came sitting at my table. 'Hi, How is it?', she smiled at me. God, I really liked that smile. Shut up Harry, you've only knew her for a day. I'm so  pathetic! 'I want to tell you something', I said. She looked at me and I asked,'Did Rose told you already?' She frowned at me. 'What?', she answered. 'About the picture on the internet', I told her.

I guess she didn't told Gwen so I let her see the picture of Rose and Louis kissing. Her eyes widened as she looked at the photo. 'What the hell is this!', she squealed. 'That photo is everywere on the internet, it's trending worldwide', I whispered. Many people were watching us because of Gwen her squeal. 'Why didn't she tell us?', she looked unhappy. 'We're her best friends, she's supposed to tell that', she said. 'Maybe she wanted to tell you today, but when she saw this she was shocked', I comforted her. 'Maybe you're right. I mean it was only yesterday, it's not like this was going on for months', she smiled. 'Yeah, Louis called her when he saw it. He didn't liked it either'' ''I would react the same way. But he's famous so isn't he used to it?', she asked.  I wanted to react but the waitress came to take our orders.We talked for almost an hour and then said our goodbyes. I could say this: Gwen was amazing and I liked her, very very much.

May P.O.V

I was watching Austin&Ally with Jamie untill Rose called us.'Guys, I want to tell you something', she spoke acting serious. Just on that moment Gwen came in. 'Rose, do you maybe want to tell us something', she said holding a picture up. 'I just wanted to', she silently answered. I looked at the photo and the three of us reacted the same way. 'NO WAY!'

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