Back for you (Photo of Ben)

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Rose P.O.V

(7 years ago)

"Good flight!",I yelled and waved at the little boy. Here I am,standing on a airport, waving my best friend goodbye. Ben has been my best friend and neighbour since I was 3 years old. It was a shock when my mother told me they had to move to England. I hope I see him again sometime. We promised to write each other every week.

 On the ride back home I thought of all the fun moments with Ben. How we always have been together in class and he had to give me math tutoring because I didn’t understand anything. I really suck at math. 

Every Sunday I went to his football game and Saturday he went to my tennis match. Every Wednesday he stayed with me because his mother was not home from work untill 7. My eyes were tired and it was already dark outside. The rest of the ride was quiet and lonely.


"OMG, THANKS MOM!",I screamrd while the other side of the world had probably also heard me."You have to promise me that you call every day",she said sternly. "Of course!", I nodded. This is gonna be the best trip ever! Me and my 4 best friends are going to England for the summer. And the best part is, I see Ben again.

I walk to my room to pack my bags. I call my best friend May to tell her the good news. In only two days we have no more rules and only fun! I probably should also call Ben,he's waiting to hear the news. "Can you go?",he quickly asked. In those seven years he got a cute British accent. "Yes, I'm coming to England!",I almost shouted.

"Great,just come to my home with your friends. I have lots of not used space",he replied. "Thanks Ben,I see you in five days." "It's nothing and bye",Ben said and hung up the Phone. It's time to call the rest...

(2 days later)

"I love you ground!",Marie shouted and fake kissed the ground. "Marie please,the people are looking at us",May laughed and pulled her up. "What a terrible long flight. That guy that sat next to me was constantly staring",Gwen said. "That's better than that old lady next to me. I think the whole plane was shaking from her snoring",Jamie whined. "Hahaha,you can sleep as long as you want at Ben's house",I said.

We were walking through the airport with our suitcases looking for the exit.When we were outside I felt raindrops. There was no sun and it was a lot colder than in Canada."Now we have to find Ben's house",I looked at the adress he gave me. "Then we have to find a taxicab", Gwen said. We brought our luggage to a taxi car and give the driver the adress.

We arrived at a street with some lovely houses. In the middle of the street the cardriver pulled over and we paid him. It was a big house with a nice garden and a swingset. I took my suitcase that Gwen was holding. "Rose!",Someone yelled. I turned around to see a boy running towards me. "Hey Ben,long time no see!",I smiled hugging him for the first time in seven years. 

He helped the girls carrying the luggage and we came inside the house. It was classic and not too modern,I could live here. It was big, so everyone got a room. I unpacked my things and went downstairs. Ben was in the kitchen preparing food,that's unexpected. I didn't know he could cook. When we were young he couldn't even make cupcakes. "So Ben,I think you have a lot to tell me after all those years",I said.

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