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Hellow. Did you guess who it was? Just read my story and find out. And thanks for reading this :) Made my day


Still Jamie P.O.V

'You...you are Ross Lynch',I spoke. 'Yes indeed I am',he nodded. This was too much. First One direction and now him. 'And who are you?',he asked. 'I am Jamie. What are you doing here?',i asked. It wasn't meant like a mean thing. I just wanted to know. 'What do you think? Singing of course!' 'How would I know that?', I shot back. I wasn't in the mood for a conversation. He pointed at the poster hanging on the wall.


One direction

Special guest R5


'Ow,I'm sorry. I'm just a little down right now', I admitted. 'Your backstage at an One direction concert! How could you be down? And after all you met me', he winked. Did he just really said that? I mean, it's true. I have to be happy for May. 'Would you like to meet my family?,' he asked. Wow, I just met him and he asks me to meet his family.

"No, I don't mean it like that!!!!', he quickly respond. I think he saw that I was shocked. 'I'm in a band with my brothers, sister and best friend', he said. 'Oh, of course I want to meet your band', I spoke. We walked down the corridor and I got a text from Marie.

-Where R you? R you mad or something?

I quickly texted back...

~No,I just met someone

A few seconds after my message, I got a text back

-Who? A boy?

~You can say that


~Hint: Austin & Ally

-Ross Lynch?


-Ok, I'm coming to you.Where R you?

~Room 12

-On my way

'My friends is looking for me, so she is coming.Is that a problem?',I asked Ross. 'No, it's fine',he said.

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