She glared at me and turned away, back to Mum.  I shook my head and left, going to the living room. My three cousins, ranging from 8 to 12 to 16 years old, were sitting with my father and Uncle, his older brother.

"Michael," he said, and I nodded at him. "Grandmother said dinner will be finished in about 10 minutes," I informed the room and my cousins cheered, one girl and two boys. The girl being the youngest.

Adam, the oldest, Kayden, the middle, Amy, the youngest. All siblings, though I secretly believed Amy was only a half sibling. She didn't look anything like her father, and almost nothing like my aunt. She looked like someone else, kind of familiar too, but I couldn't place it.

"Dinner!" Mum's voice called from the kitchen and my cousins sprang up, sprinting into the kitchen faster than you could say gay. I snickered quietly at myself, amused by my thoughts.

We went into the kitchen, moving to sit around the table. Grandmother and Papa took the heads of the table, my aunt, uncles, and cousins, myself and my parents situated in between.

Mum served, Grandmother said grace, and everyone started eating, small conversations here and there. Adam mentioned a kid in his school who had come out as gay to me, and unfortunately Grandmother heard.

"You must stay away from this kid, Adam. If you interact with this sinner, you may catch the disease and homosexuals all go straight to hell," she said sternly to him and I rolled my eyes.

I stood, not wanting to hear this. I already knew I was a 'sinner' according to my family. "Where you going, Mikey?" Amy asked and I said without thinking, "Hell apparently."

I froze as I realised what I said, eyes locked on the doorway. I swallowed terrified before I looked around, my family's eyes locked on me shocked. Except for Papa. He looked unsurprised and proud as he just continued eating.

"You're gay, Michael?" Grandmother asked flatly and I decided I was too far in to back out, so I straightened my shirt, my spine, and leveled my gaze at her. "Yes, I am. Have been my whole life, though I just came to terms with it when I was 12," I said proudly and my father stood up.

"Mother, anything you would like to say?" he asked and I looked at him nervously. He was going to kick me out, I knew it. I mentally started making lists of things I would need to bring with me and things I knew I wouldn't be able to while grandmother glared at me.

"You are a disappointment, Michael. Your friends are bad influences, and I believe you should leave this house, and stay away from your cousins so not to spread this disgusting disease," she said and I looked at Mum and Dad.

Mum had a smile on her face as she watched me, winking as Dad studied me. "No, this doesn't change anything. He is still my son, and I'm not letting him go, at least not prepared for the outside world. He can leave when he's 18, in about 7 months. Not before then," he said finally and shocked relief flooded my body.

Grandmother stared at my father, anger and disgust still simmering in her eyes. "You are going to keep this sinner, this holder of disease, in your house?" she asked and Dad raised his chin defiantly. "Yes, I daresay I will. And if you don't appreciate it, then you can take your leave," he said and she stood up.

"Jakob, we're leaving, and not coming back until this thing is gone," she said to Papa and he just raised an eyebrow. "I'm still eating, and I haven't seen our kids in a while. I believe I'm staying," he said and she gaped at him.

He ignored her look of incredulity and went back to eating. My cousins were looking in between my grandmother and me, Adam's eyes wide. Amy was still little, not knowing exactly what was going on. Kayden was biting his lip, as if he were about to say something.

Dad looked around, at his brother and brother in law, his sister. "Anyone else have anything to say?" he asked and everyone shook his head except Kayden.  "Kay?" I asked and he looked up to me.

"I realised the same thing Mikey did the same time he did," he said finally and I raised my eyebrow. "And what is that, buddy?" Adam asked his little brother and Kayden smiled. "I think I like guys," he said finally, and I smiled proudly at my baby cousin.

Grandmother stared at him before looking around at the table. My aunt and uncle, Kayden's parents, just smiled at him before looking back at Grandmother.

The 70 year old woman sat down slowly, anger still clear in her eyes. "We might as well finish dinner before we leave," she said finally and I hesitantly sat down in my seat.

Dinner finished a half hour later, the tensity of the room nerve-wracking. Finally, I just dismissed myself and left the table, hating how the atmosphere felt on my nerves. Papa and Mum just smiled at me, Dad nodding at me. Grandmother ignored me, Adam and Kayden grinning. Amy just finished her food, not realising I had left.

I went to my room, collapsing on my bed. I could not believe what had just happened. I just came out to my family, after years of hiding and terror. And almost all of them accepted me. Except Grandmother, but I expected that.

I quickly pulled out my phone to text Calum, wanting to tell him as soon as possible.

To: Calbear <3<3
I may have just accidentally came out to my entire family in the worst way possible!
My grandmother was saying how gays were all going to Hell and I didn't want to deal with that so I started to leave
My cousin asked me where I was going
"Hell apparently"

I set my phone down shocked, staring at my ceiling waiting for his reply. A few minutes later, my phone buzzed and I quickly opened it to see Calum's text.

From: Calbear <3<3
Good job baby, I'm Proud of you. Does this mean we get to come out to our school and my parents now?

To: Calbear <3<3
Yeah, we do. As long as you're ready. I'm excited

From: Calbear <3<3
Me too baby, me too. Monday?

To: Calbear <3<3
Monday 😘

I put my phone down and rolled over, smiling to myself. I may have come out unexpectedly, but I was sure glad I did.

A/N: ugh, I hate my writing. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, hope you send your suggestions, love ya! Kisses! 😘


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