Chapter 4

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[[Pixture is Niall's outfit]]

"Ni, baby, Harry is here!" Maura shouts to her son on Friday morning. Niall groans. His mom just had to say that in front of his crush. He quickly puts his shoes on and steps out of the room. He could hear Harry and his mom laughing. He walked in the kitchen, grabbed an apple and Harry's hand, and left. Harry chuckled.

"I was having a nice conversation with your mum, love. That was rude." Harry said.

"She was probably embarrassing me." Niall mumbled, jumping in Harry's car. Harry shrugged, also getting in the car.

"She was just telling me about the time that you and Greg went trick-or-treating and you stole an entire bowl of candy then stole Greg's candy when you got home." Niall blushed.

"I loved candy, don't judge me." He pouted. Harry chuckled.

"I thought it was cute, Ni." He stated. Niall just shook his head. Harry rested his hand on the middle console thing and Niall glanced down at Harry's hand, debating on lacing their fingers together or not.

"C-can I hold your hand?" Niall asked shyly. Harry chuckled and nodded.

"You don't have to ask, Niall. Just hold my hand." He said and grabbed Niall's hand, lacing their finger together. Niall smiled to himself. The rest of the ride to school was silent. A comfortable silence. Niall couldn't stop thinking about the way Harry's hand fit so perfectly with his and Harry was mentally planning their date for the next day.

"What movie are we going to see tonight?" Niall questioned quietly.

"I'm not sure. Li said he had a movie in mind that we'd all enjoy." Harry answered. They pulled up to school and Niall sighed.

"What's up, love?" Harry asked softly.

"Nothing, just don't want to be here. I'd much rather be with Theo right now." Niall said turning to face Harry as he pulled into the parking spot and put his car in park. Harry turned to Niall and smiled.

"Nobody did anything to you while I was gone, right?" Harry turned serious. Niall shook his head.

"Liam, Zayn and Louis took care of me." Niall said. They both got out and Harry wrapped his arm around Niall's shoulders. Liam smirked at Harry when the two boys stepped in the building. Louis ran up behind Liam and jumped on his back, causing Liam to stumble slightly and Harry to smirk at Liam.

"Hey, lads." Zayn said. Niall and Harry waved. Harry leaned against the lockers and Niall leaned against Harry.

"Tired." Niall mumbled, nuzzling his face in Harry's neck. Harry smiled at the smaller boy in his arms.

"The bell is going to ring soon, Ni." Harry said, wrapping his arms around Niall's waist. Niall groaned.

"Don't wanna." He whined. Liam and Zayn chuckled and Louis giggled. Yes, giggled.

"Lunch!" Niall squealed as he and Harry walked in the cafeteria, hand and hand. Harry chuckled at the younger boy. They walked through the line and got heir food before going to sit by Liam and Louis.

"Where's Zayn?" Harry asked, wrapping his arm around Niall.

"Got sick. He threw up and they sent him home." Liam sighed.

"He said he'll let us know if he's feeling okay to go to the movies tonight." Louis added. Niall grabbed a fry and happily chewed it. Harry smiled.

"Take a picture, Haz, it lasts longer." Liam snickered, causing Harry to blush and look at his food rather than Niall. Niall glanced at Harry.

"What were you staring at?" He asked, completely oblivious.

Little Things ~Narry Storan~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon