Chapter 11: Party

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" October 7...hey...are you into horoscopes?" he asked me. Wow. That's random.

" Yeah! I am! I'm a're a Libra..."

" They really get along well. Also...their element is both air...making them compatible..." he said. I laughed. He was trying to be romantic by using horoscopes. It was a little awkward, though.

" Hey, do you drink?" I asked him.

" Yeah. Wanna get something?" he asked. I nodded. We headed over to the bar. They even had a bartender...just for a party of 13. " What are you getting?"

" Umm...I guess I'll have some wine..." he stopped me.

" C'mon...SERIOUSLY!?" he slightly pushed me over. " Two champagnes please."

I looked at him and he smiled.

" It's a party...not a lunch!" We laughed. We headed over to our corner again. I tried to spot Tao...then I saw him with Kris. Kris was whispering things to Tao and his smile died down. I pointed to him and Yixing saw too. I could tell we were both on the same page: fear.

" Oh god...PLEASE no...Tao's so nice to me...PLEASE don't ruin this..." I said. Yixing held my hand in the couch so that it was unnoticable. We still watched Tao. He was trying to find us.

" Let's split up so that it doesn't make it any worse for us..." he said. I nodded and I ran to Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They were the nicest to me. Yixing ran to Luhan.

" Oh hey! Where were you? Who were you with?" asked Baekhyun.

" Oh...I was just with meeting new people and talking with them a little bit..." I replied. They looked at me and smiled.

" Did you see Tao's present?" asked Chanyeol. I nodded and smiled. He smiled too. " You must've REALLY liked it...huh?"

" Hey...if I can ask..." I said. They both nodded and looked at me. " What are your thoughts on recording with Tao's little sister? This would be EXO's first time recording with a girl, and the second time recording with an outsider..."

" It's cool! We always want to record with outsiders but SM won't let us. Nah don't worry about the guys. Just know that if anything...we're happy to record with you!" said Baekhyun. Chanyeol happily nodded. God, they were REALLY nice to me: like we've been friends for years!

I started to make small talk with them. We all had a lot of fun and were later joined by Sehun. Then, out of nowhere, Tao ran up behind me and pulled my arm away into his room. He didn't even look at me. He just kept speed walking. Yixing saw. He pointed at me to Luhan. Yixing looked really concerned. He gave me a thumbs up. For some reason, that made me feel really good. By then, Tao had already dragged me into the hallway, and into his room.

He pushed me onto his bed and slammed the door and locked it.

" I was just talking to Kris..." he said. OH GOD. " And he said that you've been DATING that true?"

I wanted to tell him the truth, but this wasn't going to be the end of our relationship. I said no. He looked at me. Then I told him the " Kris " incident and he hugged me tight. Tao was never THAT smart. I guess he thought that Kris was trying to get someone in trouble to cover up for him.

" Thank you for telling me, Karrera," he said. He smiled and again hugged me. I was literally going to burst into tears. He's REALLY changed. He's SUCH a great older brother now! " I'll go have a talk with Kris."

He escorted me back to the living room and ran to Kris. He took Kris to a seperate room. Wow.

" WHAT HAPPENED!? DID YOU TELL HIM!?" Yixing came running to me. We sat down at our corner and told him everything.

" I feel really bad for lying...but it was the only way..." I said. He hugged my shoulders.

" Thank you..." he said. He smiled. He handed me my champagne and we laughed. We drank at the same time. Damn...that was STRONG.

I'm on medication...because I have Arthritis, a joint disease that really I take medication to calm the pain. It says that you can't drink alcohol with it, but recently I have lightly been drinking. Not too much. I was a little worried, but the side effects are mild.

" I'm going to go get another..." he said. I nodded and waited at the couch. He came back with 4.
" Two for me, two for you!"

I really wanted to decline...but I didn't. I drank another.

" Karrera, are you OK? Your face is a little red...and...there's a vein popping out of your neck..." he said. He looked really concerned. Oh no. " Maybe it's from the champagne..."

We stopped drinking. Then Luhan and Xiumin walked over to us. They had champagne too.

" Cheers to us!" said Luhan. He and Xiumin cheered and clicked their cups.

" Are you not drinking?" said Xiumin. " A small drink won't hurt..."

Yixing looked at me and shrugged.

" Just this last one..." he said. I nodded and we all clicked our cups. I drank it. After the third, I started to feel dizzy. I wasn't was only the third. Before taking my medication, I was able to drink like 10 without being drunk. So I knew that I wasn't. The three studied me carefully.

" What? What is it?" I asked. They froze.

" You REALLY don't look look like you're going to pass out..." said Xiumin.

" Here, sit down," said Luhan. I started having a headache. Then we heard Chen scream something. Being the idiots they are, Luhan and Xiumin ran to them. Yixing stayed with me.

" How about I take you home?" he said. I guess he really WAS concerned. My headache was really killing me.

" I'll wait for Tao to come out..." I said. He nodded. He asked me some small talk questions until Tao came out. He was all angry and ran to me.

" Kris is such...such a..." he said. He was really angry. He didn't even look at me. I inturupted him.

" I don't have to say..." I said. He looked at me. He saw that my face was red. He didn't care that Yixing was next to me. It's like he didn't even remember about the theory of me and Yixing dating.

" Are you OK?" he asked me. He now looked very concerned and checked to see if I had a fever. He looked at Yixing.

" She had a small drink..." he said. Tao looked at me.

"! I TOLD you not to drink while you're on your medication! Oh god, we've gotta get you home..." Tao took my hand and pulled me out of the house. We jumped into his car and he didn't even let me say goodbye. He quickly drove me home and opened the door.

" Go lie down on the couch. You need rest. Alcohol with your medication is TOXIC! ESPECIALLY 3 CUPS OF STRONG CHAMPAGNE! You need to wash it all down, or you could get poisoned..." he said. He threw me on the couch and scrambled all over my kitchen. I never knew it was TOXIC! Tao was the one who went to the doctor with me and got the medication with me, but he never told me it was TOXIC! I was really freaking out now. I could feel my face burning. I couldn't think straight.

" W...w..what do you need?" I said.

" No! You lie down. I'll find the baking soda on my own..."

" Baking soda?" I said. I couldn't concentrate. " Pantry..."

Tao scrambled into the pantry and found the baking soda. He poured a glass of water and poured the baking soda in with it. He ran to me.

" Drink this, quickly..." he said. I sat up and drank it. God, it tasted SO BAD. I quickly finished it and his face slightly looked relieved. " Good. Now. Go upstairs and sleep. I have to go back to the dorm."

He escorted me to my room, threw me into my bed, pulled the blankets over me, then turned off the lights.

" I'll check back on you tomorrow morning..." he said as he gently closed the door. I didn't even blink. I just immediately fell asleep.

Lay, My One and OnlyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz