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"Oh god, I couldn't possibly." Lindsay said, backing away as Sovi placed the union jack charm in her hand. 

"No, no" Sovi said, folding Lindsay's hand to secure its place. 

"Sovi, come on, I ca--" 

"Yes, you can." Sovi kindly smiled, "take the Union Jack, Lindsay. Besides, I've already got myself a Jack." 


"So, they did get together!"

"I was totally rooting for Lindsay!"

"Shh! I wanna know what happens next!" 

"But that's basically it" Lindsay smiled as she sat among the children. 

"What do you mean that's it? What happened to Jack? and Sovi?" one of them asked, tugging on her shirt. 

"Well" Lindsay said, "Sovi learned that it was okay to want something other than what you were aiming for, so she's taking a gap year and exploring Europe to be with Jack. And Jack....Jack finally found someone who made him feel like he did deserve some happiness in his life. Right now, I think they're in Spain together." 

Again, another tug on her shirt, "but what about you Lindsay?"

"Me?" she said, lifting the child so that she sat on her lap, "well, I got what I wanted. I finally had a story to tell." 



Finn heard the sound of laughter from across the hall, causing him to take a peek inside Jack's room, where Sovi had agreed to help him film his next video. He hoped and prayed it wasn't the naughty sort of laughter but rather the playful one. They were in a relationship and in a room together, anyting could happen. 

But when Finn poked his head in, he only saw Sovi throwing her head back with laughter as Jack did the same, both with flushed faces. Quickly and quietly, he ran to get his camera and returned to take a candid photo of the scene. Sovi turned her head to an angle and saw Finn by the door, "Hi Finn." she said, muffling her laughter, "sorry if we were disturbing you. I was just trying to get an american accent out of this mongrul." The two laughed again, relishing in the memory of Jack sounding more like a stoner rather than an American. 

"Geez, Jack" Sovi laughed, "no one told you to go for the Accent Challenge. Now come on, we're never going to get your video done until you stop laughing."  

A few hours later, they got the video done, Sovi giving up on the serious technique and just capturing his candids on camera. Jack was rather impressed by the video and felt the need to publicly address that on twitter. 

@jacksgap: can't wait to let you all see the cheeky new video @sovirichter and I worked on the entire day! Had the best time filming it. x 

Seeing the tweet, Finn took it upon himself to go back into Jack's room and ask him a very serious question about his relationship with Sovi. 

"You going public about this?" 

Jack sighed, "some things aren't worth hiding anymore. And everyone seems to be spamming my mentions asking if she's my girlfriend....it feels weird having to break it to them" he said, "so, can you do me a favor and--"

Finn only smiled, "say no more, I'm already on it." 

Sure enough, a couple of minutes later, Finn had uploaded the photo of Jack and Sovi laughing in his room that afternoon on Instagram. Sovi was behind the camera, leaning a bit forward to Jack, as was he as he sat in his black swivel chair. Quickly, it reached the popular page and exploded with comments of congratulations and admiration. 

But what made Jack love this photo so much wasn't the fact it was candid or they were laughing, it was the way his brother had captioned it. 

finnharries: it's with her he's at his happiest :) 

Because he knew that it was 100% true. 

Union Jack (Jack Harries)Where stories live. Discover now