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Jack was right. Behind the camera, Sovi was nothing but helpless with the actors. 

She had the world's worst habit of pressing either her lips together when she wasn't okay or putting air into her cheeks when she wasn't okay with something. She hadn't realized she was doing it while Jack and his love interest, Lindsay were reading their scripts until Suze had pointed it out. 

"You hiding anything on your lip?" Suze asked her associate director. Startled, Sovi jumped a little as she turned to Suze. She quickly released her lips and shrugged, "the only thing I'm hiding is my hair." she said coolly, avoiding eye contact. 

Thankfully, Suze had bought it and instead, reverted Sovi's attention to Jack and Lindsay. "Well, they're excited." said Suze as they watched Jack and Lindsay act, with Leo in the corner, mouthing the exact words that escaped their lips. 

"Don't let go, Jack." Lindsay said, according to the script as Jack positioned his forehead atop hers.

"I wasn't going to." Jack replied with that smile that couldn't help but bring color into Sovi's cheeks.

And closer they moved. Closer, and closer, and closer....

It happened in a, not the kiss.

It was Sovi's reaction



Literally, almost everyone in the group turned heads as soon as Sovi spoke. Jack and Lindsay quickly broke off each other and looked at Sovi. "Is there a problem, Sovi?" asked an exasperated Leo, "they were about to kiss." 

Knew it Jack thought with a smirk. It was a good fight though. Sovi had managed to make it through the scene where Lindsay's character had professed her love for his without making comments. What was consistent with Sovi was the fact she barely looked him in the eye and pressed her lips together the entire time. But as much of a good fight it was, Sovi gave in. 

"Shall we save that for the camera?"

Then again, Jack must've taken it by mistake. 

She seemed more disgusted than jealous. 


"Come on Sovi, don't be a kill joy" Leo puppy dog pouted. With her pale slender fingers, Sovi pushed up her glasses, "we'll have enough time for that on screen. This is just scipt review" Sovi replied, completely ignoring his puppy dog face, "we have, what, 4 more scenes to do." 

Suze smiled as she approached Sovi, "I'm with Sovi on this one." 

For a brief moment, Jack's eyes had met Sovi's. Sovi quickly shifted her attention back to the binded script in her hands and turned away. Jack's eyes had shifted away too as he smirked,

No doubt. She's jealous.


    Jack hadn't seen Sovi since yesterday. He'd tried to approach her after yesterday's script review but she'd dodged him. He knew he couldn't meet her at Starbucks because it was a Thursday. Their coffee dates weren't scheduled till tomorrow. 

This was bugging her more than he'd hoped. 

At least he thought.


"D'you think there's something going on between Jack and Sovi?" Leo asked Suze in a whisper. Suze looked at Leo like he had just said he was pregnant, "and why do you say that?"

"He's been asking everyone where Sovi's at and he perks up at the mention of Sovi." Leo shrugged, "that's not normal groupmate behavior."

Suze rolled her eyes, "they've just gotten really comfortable with each other. I don't think so."

"Wanna bet?" Leo smirked, "loser buys the other Starbucks for a week." 

"Prepare to lose." Suze said, shaking on it.

"Prepare to lose, what?" asked Sovi, as as approached the two. 

"Nothing!" Suze said, turning to Sovi, "have you found our locations?"

Sovi smiled, "Yep. I'll be filling up the permission forms later tonight." 


Well, finally! 

Jack sprinted as he finally caught Sovi walking back to the residence hall alone. 

"Hey, you." he said, stepping in front of her. "Hey" Sovi replied, still not looking up at him. 

He frowned, "Come on, Sovi, talk to me."

"I am talking." she shrugged, "come on, Jack. Move over, I've to fill up some forms." 

With his figers, Jack pushed Sovi's chin up for her to look up at him. Thank goodness no one was around to see. Sovi only looked up at him for a brief moment and pushed his fingers away.

"You're right." she sighed, "I am helpless behind the camera. I can't do this." 

"Aww" Jack said with a chuckle, putting his arms around her and pulling her close. "Jack! The forms!" Sovi cried, squirming out of his arms. "Look" Jack said, "even though we're supposed to be 'hiding' with other people around, that doesn't mean we need to hide what we feel when we're together."

Sovi looked at him the same way Suze had looked at Leo. It made Jack laugh.


     "Alright" Jack said as they walked together to meet their other groupmates the next day, "just look away whenever something romantic's going to happen, okay?"

"That would make it so obvious, Jack." Sovi said, "I told you already. The whole thing just sort of took me by surprise. I'm okay. You just go and tell Leo's story, okay?"

Jack looked at her and smiled, "you know, I'd kiss you right now if we weren't trying to be invisible"

       Sovi arrived on set to have finally been introduced to Jack's love interest, Lindsay. 

She was Australian. 

"I love your hair" she smiled, "I'd have mine done if we weren't filming a short film." Lindsay was tall, slender but curvy...if that was even possible. She was a few inches taller than Sovi, a little tanner but still blue eyed and blonde. 

" your accent." Sovi shrugged, "you've got a very impressive British accent. It's got me convinced." 

Lindsay smiled, "I hope my acting impressed you at the script reading. I'm sorry if I seemed eager, I just...well, Jack...he's very...well."

"Oh, don't worry about impressing me." Sovi said, "when you've impressed Leo, trust me, we're the least of your worries." she shrugged and glanced at Jack, who was goofing off with some of the other guys in the group. A smile crept up to her face as he turned around and smiled back at her.

"He's funny, isn't he?" Sovi said, turning back to Lindsay. "Oh, he's more than that" Lindsay sighed, "I know I should be professional and all, but gosh, I can't help but hope those stories of two people falling in love on set would be one I'd tell about Jack and I." 

Sovi's good impression of her slowly diminished. Lindsay was tall, beautiful, blonde, Australian....

And she was competiion.

Union Jack (Jack Harries)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz