21. // Part Two

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"What are those?" Sherlock questioned as Greg walked into the living room of 221b. Greg stared blankly at him, before he looked down at the pair of brand new white Adidas trainers on his feet "They're shoes" Greg replied simply. Sherlock rolled his eyes "I gathered that much. But... They're trainers? You don't wear trainers" Sherlock said. Greg nodded "I know, but i'm going on a date with (Y/N) tonight" He explained.

Sherlock couldn't help but smirk at Greg's response. Greg quirked his brow quizzically at Sherlock "What are you laughing at?" Greg questioned "You took my advice" He replied. Suddenly, the front door opened and Mycroft casually strolled in, his eyes widened as he looked over to Greg "What are you wearing?" He questioned, a hint of a smirk on his face.

Greg looked down at his light blue Ralph Lauren polo shirt with a small pink logo and his dark blue slim fit jeans before he looked back up at Mycroft again "Clothes" Greg replied simply. Mycroft rolled his eyes, him and Sherlock were most definitely related "You look like a 20 year old" Mycroft scoffed. Greg raised his eyebrows in amusement "That's what i'm going for" He replied.

"21 year old!" Sherlock exclaimed. Mycroft furrowed his brow in confusion at the two of them "Am i missing something?" He questioned "Lestrade has a date... With a 21 year old" Sherlock explained. Mycroft widened his eyes in shock "21?! That's half your age" He exclaimed "I know, I've done the maths" Greg replied "Where are you going to take her? TGI Friday's?" Mycroft said, laughing slightly.

Greg subtly rolled his eyes "We're going to an italian, then we're going out to a club afterwards" Greg explained, Sherlock and Mycroft's faces both lit up in amusement at Greg's revelation "You're going to a club?" Mycroft scoffed. Greg nodded "It'll be a good night" Greg said, slightly defensively "Well, i'm definitely coming to see that" Mycroft said. Greg huffed and shook his head "You're not coming" Greg snapped irately.

Mycroft quirked his brow in amusement "Oh come on, Lestrade" Sherlock paused "It'll be a good thing. She'll think you're popular" He added. Greg scoffed "Not if i turn up with you two" He said. Mycroft narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms "You know I'll be able to find where you are, even if you don't tell me" Mycroft said smugly "And I'll be right behind him" Sherlock added.

Greg sighed and rolled his eyes "Fine. I'll ring you later" He said "But for now, i'm going to go and meet my date" Greg explained "See you later" Mycroft and Sherlock said together. Greg narrowed his eyes as he looked over to the two of them staring smugly back at him "Goodbye" Greg said as he promptly left 221B.


Greg nervously knotted his fingers together as he waited for you to turn up for your date. You were 10 minutes late and he was starting to think that you weren't going to show up. He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his grey hair, when he saw you enter the restaurant. His heart dropped down to his stomach and his eyes wondered down the black dress you were wearing.

His cheeks began to redden as he realized how underdressed he now looked. He then promptly made a quick attempt to fix his hair before you came over to the table "Hey" You said shyly. Greg smiled and quickly stood up to pull your chair out for you "Hi, you look lovely" Greg smiled, before he awkwardly pressed a kiss to your cheek. You giggled nervously and sat down as he made his way back over to his seat.

"You look nice" Greg said as he gazed attentively at you, you smiled shyly at him and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear "You okay?" Greg asked, smiling attentively at you. You nodded and nervously looked down at your lap. You couldn't believe that you were sat opposite him, he really was a very handsome man, definitely out of your league. You nervously peered up at him and blushed as you noticed him staring.

"Have you had a nice day?" He asked, nervously biting his lip. You smiled and nodded "Yes, thanks. Have you?" You asked shyly, suddenly realizing you had barely spoken since you'd sat down "It's been okay. Very long, my job's very demanding" He explained "What do you do?" You questioned "I'm a detective at Scotland Yard." He explained. You nodded calmly, trying not to look too blown away, he was successful too. He was definitely way too good for you.

"You must work non-stop" You replied. He huffed and nodded "Yeah, but i get a lot of time off as well. What do you do?" He questioned "I'm studying Biomedical Science at King's College" You explained. Greg's eyes widened in surprise "Wow, impressive. What do you plan to do with that?" He questioned "I want to do a masters, and then hopefully work for a pharmaceutical company" You explained. Greg subtly wiped the sweat off the palms of his hands, his nerves were growing as he realized how intelligent you were too.

"That's impressive" He paused and subtly took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves "So, have you heard Drake's new album?" Greg said "What?" You questioned, slightly confused "Drake, the rapper... He just released his new album" Greg replied, slightly red faced "You listen to Drake?" She questioned. Greg nodded awkwardly "Yeah, I always listen to that sort of music" He nodded coolly. You bit your lip to refrain from smiling, before you spoke again "That's cool" You replied.

Just then, a waiter came over to take your ordered. You ordered the special of the day, because you couldn't be bothered to look through the menu and Greg ordered a cheese pizza "You looking forward to going clubbing later?" Greg questioned. You nodded slightly "Yeah, it should be fun" You explained "There's loads of good clubs around here. It's always a good night out" Greg explained "With you being a student, you would probably know" He explained. You smiled shyly and nodded.

"Two of my friends are coming later, I hope that's alright" He explained. Your heart pounded at Greg's word "O-okay" You smiled nervously at him. He smiled reassuringly at you "Don't worry about it, I doubt they'll even come anyway" He said, You nodded understandingly and smiled politely at him "We've got this meal to enjoy first anyway" He said, smiling affectionately at you.


You stepped out into the cold London night. It was 10:00pm and you had just finished your meal. Greg had paid for everything, and was a gentleman the whole evening, you on the other hand, didn't feel like you'd spoken at all. Greg had done much of the talking. You learnt so much about him and he'd learnt nothing about you.

Just as you were about to say something, Greg's phone rang in his pocket. He smiled sympathetically at you, before he quickly picked it up "I told you I would ring you" He snapped. His eyes then widened as he began to look around the street "Where are you? How do yo-" ...

"Because we're right behind you" A voice from behind said. You and Greg both turned around to see two men stood behind you "Sherlock, Mycroft" Greg said. The two of them smiled deviously at him and nodded "So, are we ready for this night out?" Mycroft said. Greg nodded and the two of them walked ahead of you "We know a place" Sherlock explained.

Greg smiled apologetically at you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder "We'll have a good time" He said, before you followed his two friends along the street. You took a deep breath, you sure hoped it was going to be a good night. 


Hey guys. sorry about the upload date, i know they've been very sporadic recently, but my time keeping has been all over the place recently. i'm trying to get back into the swing of things. this series is going to be another three parter, i hope you enjoy this part. thanks for the comments and votes. All the love. x 

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