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"I've had a lovely time tonight" You said shyly as Greg walked you to your front door. Greg smiled bashfully at you "Me too" He said as he stopped outside your front door. You stood nervously in front of him for a moment, as neither of you said anything.

You'd been dating Greg Lestrade for a few months now. You'd been on several dates and they'd all gone really well. You really liked him, and you liked to think he really liked you- although he didn't express it if he did. Yes, he was a gentleman, but he was extremely shy and most certainly didn't wear his heart on his sleeve.

"Why don't you, urm come in and have a drink... or stay?" You suggested. Greg nervously bit his lip as he looked at you "Oh no, I don't think so" He mumbled. You felt your face redden at his rejection "Do... Do you not like me like that?" You questioned. Greg gasped slightly and looked up at you.

He gazed attentively at you for a few moments "How could you ever think I didn't like you like that?" He said as he slowly stepped forward and cupped his hands on your cheeks. He then slowly leaned into you and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You felt butterflies arise in the pit of your stomach and instantly responded by deepening the kiss.

Greg then instantly pulled away and ran his hands through his hair "I can't" He said. You looked at him in confusion "Can't what?" You asked. Greg took a deep breath, before he looked at you and quickly made his way back down the footpath to his car parked on the street "Greg!" You yelled as you walked halfway down the path.

"Greg!" You exclaimed. Greg looked up at you one more time, before he promptly got into his car and drove off down the street. You stood and watched his car as it disappeared down the street, a deep sense of hurt and sadness filling your body. I guess after all this time, he didn't like me, You thought.

A sudden feeling of anger then bubbled inside of you, he can't just take off like that after all this time, you thought. You then quickly rushed back into the house, quickly grabbed your car keys and made your way over to your car. You were going to Greg's house.


You abruptly knocked on the door to Greg's house. You tapped your foot patiently against the floor as you waited for him to answer. When he did, you don't know what came over you, but you immediately barged into his house and made your way down the hallway until you got to the living room.

Greg gaped in surprise as you stormed past him and into his living room. He promptly shut the front door again and quickly followed you through into the lounge, where you were stood in the middle of the room, your gaze heatedly watching him "What.. What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Why did you just take off like that?" You questioned. Greg huffed and stressfully ran his hands through his hair as he began to pace the room. You watched him intensely as you waited for him to say something "I just can't do it" Greg sighed and shamefully looked down at the floor.

You sighed in frustration "What does that even mean? You can't stay over, you can't lie anymore, you can't what Greg?!" You exclaimed "I CAN'T BE WITH YOU!" He yelled. Silence fell over the room as the two of you just looked at each other "I can't be with anyone!" He exclaimed as he threw his arms in the air.

The room fell silent again as Greg anxiously paced around the room "Why?" You questioned warily. Greg ignored you for a moment, before he stopped pacing the room and looked over to you. He was about to say something, but faltered at the last minute, and instead took a deep breath, before timidly looking down at the floor again.

"Have you got a girlfriend? Is that it... Or are you married?" You asked. Greg shook his head, his gaze glued to the floor "Then what it is?" You questioned "Is it me?" You added. Greg instantly looked up at you, his expression soft and vulnerable "No, of course it's not you. You're beautiful" He murmured. You felt your cheeks blush at his words "Then what... What is it?" You questioned.

His Division [Greg Lestrade One Shots]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz