A Chance Encounter.

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You huffed irately as you erased the paragraph you had just written. You took a deep breath and took a sip of your coffee. It was 7:15am and you were sat in a small cafe, located down a small side alley in London trying to write the most recent chapter of your first novel, which was due into your publisher today. But you had severe writer's block and everything you wrote simply wasn't good enough, in your eyes anyway.

You were about to attempt to start writing again, when someone unexpectedly sat in the chair opposite you. You warily looked up to see a man with short grey hair, neatly groomed with hair product, smouldering brown eyes and a perfect glowing complexion staring back at you "That's my seat" He said, a hint of a smile on his lips. You felt your cheeks blush under his gaze "Oh, I-.. Sorry" You mumbled awkwardly as you gathered your things.

"I'm only joking. Sit down" The man smiled warmly at you. You smiled bashfully at him and gawkily sat back down, putting your laptop back on the table "Greg" He said, you looked up and stared blankly at the man "Sorry?" You said. Greg laughed lightly "Greg, that's my name" He said "Oh sorry" You laughed shyly "(Y/N)" You replied. Greg smiled affectionately at you "It's nice to meet you. Would you like another drink?" He questioned. You nodded and quickly grabbed your purse from your bag.

Unexpectedly, Greg put his hand on yours, you gasped slightly and looked up at him "I'll get it" He winked, a gesture that caused butterflies in your stomach "Coffee?" He questioned. You nodded slowly, surprised he knew what you were drinking. He smiled warmly at you and promptly got up from his chair to get your drink. You watched him casually stroll up to the til, he then briefly looked back at you and caught you looking at him. He smiled affectionately at you and you blushed at the gesture.

You opened up your laptop again, and begun to check your progress of the chapter you were working on when Greg came back over to the table "One coffee and chocolate croissant" He said as he carefully put them down beside your laptop. You looked up in surprise at him "You didn't have to get me that" You explained. He smiled at you "I know. But I did anyway" He replied playfully. You laughed lightly and watched him as he sat back down in his seat. You watched him attentively as he ran his fingers through his salt and pepper hair, a fuzzy feeling fizzling in the pit of your stomach.

"So, what brings you here this morning?" Greg paused "I don't think I've ever seen you in here before" He added "I don't live too far away. So I thought I'd take a walk and find some place to sit in and work. I've got a big deadline today" You explained "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want me to leave you it?" He replied. You gasped lightly and shook your head "Oh no. That wasn't a hint. I'm sorry, I'm not used to having company, Sorry" You mumbled awkwardly. Greg cocked his head to one side "Why's that?" Greg asked. You shrugged "I just moved here and I just haven't really met anyone. I guess I'm not worth having as a friend anyway" You explained.

Greg furrowed his brow at you "That's not true. You're beautiful" You looked up at Greg in surprise, caught off guard by what he had just said. He too, was visibly flustered by what he'd just said as he promptly shook his head "I'm sorry. That was terribly forward of me" He explained. You shook your head lightly "Don't apologise" You smiled shyly. Greg visibly relaxed and smiled affectionately at you. You casually took a sip of your coffee, beginning to feel more relaxed in Greg's presence.

"How come you are out and about this early?" You questioned "I work at Scotland Yard, It's a long day so I like to come here and relax before I go in. I've come here every morning for the past 3 or 4 years" Greg paused "And I always sit here" He added, winking playfully at you "Sorry for disrupting your routine" You mumbled. Greg laughed lightly and shook his head "Don't apologise. It's nice to have someone to sit with. I get a little lonely sometimes" He paused "I rarely have any spare time to spend with other people" He explained "Me too" You replied.

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