She was right about that. Kacy had to choose between his family, somebody who's his blood brother and was somebody who looked out for him.

Or, his girl. His wife. The mother of his son. Somebody who supported and loved him, Even through the thickest and hardest times. Someone who cared for him and for him through some of the hardest issues.

Loretta pushed the room door opened to find Kenton standing in front of the full length mirror. Karma was in the corner of the room with her son pulled to her chest and Moe right under her arm.

"Hey ma" Kenton smiled at her through the mirror before turning around to face her. "What brings you by?"

"Kenton. Baby, what have you done?"

"What you mean ma? I ain't did shit"

"Look at this" she pointed towards Karma and the kids "You're holding then hostage. You can't do that"

"Yes I can. This is what I want to do. "

"You can't though. This is Kacy's wife and kids, he loves them and would be horrified if he knew you wanted to hurt them"

"Why does everyone keep saying that? She's not his wife, Kacy said she was a trick gone wrong mama. He don't love this hoe or this baby"

Loretta sighed, realizing that Kenton really got into Kacy's head. Kacy would've never called Karma just a hoe cause she was far from it. He loved her enough to die for her.

"Kenton, baby. Just put the gun down and let them go ok? There are people downstairs who are willing to h-"

"Who are willing to put me away like they did before. I'm not letting that happen anymore"

"At least let the kids go ok? The baby needs to eat and look at Moe. She's scared Ken. "

Kenton rubbed his head with the gun and ran the tip down the side of his face. He smirked to himself just as the voice began to speak to him.

"Now's your chance Kenton. Do it, let the kids go"

Kenton smiled at his mom and nodded "ok"

Both Karma and Loretta smiled. Karma was happy the kids were able to leave. She could handle herself a lot better without her kids with her.

But little did she know, once the kids were gone, things were really about to take a turn for the worse.


Kacy was almost an hour away from anything that reminded him of Karma. He sat at a bar, not even drinking. He done enough of that and if he even thought about getting a drink, he felt sick to his stomach.

So he ordered hot wings instead, something he swore only Karma made the best of. He made up his mind, on what'd he do once he was back home but now, he was just reflecting on the bad choices he made.

Most of them towards his wife.

He shook his head and pushed his dreads back from his face. "I'm dumb as fuck" he said to himself .

How could he treat her such a way, after all they've been through? After all she did for him, he was dumb enough to call her out her name and disrespect her on multiple occasions.

He wanted to beat himself up, literally but that wasn't possible. The only thing on his mind was finally making things right but he didn't know if that was possible either.

A mistake is fine to make. But to continuously fuck up, there's really no coming back from that. Karma was generally a forgiving person but after so many mistakes, she won't try again.

Kacy groaned and took a bite from his boneless wings as his eyes roamed up towards the plasma TV. The volume was mute but the news read : Woman held hostage.

The helicopter zoomed in on a older woman exiting the house with a baby in her arms and a younger girl clinging onto her hand.

Kacy squinted his eyes, hoping it wasn't true. He looked down for a second before looking back up to see his mother, son and Moe being put into an ambulance.

"Aye, turn it up" he yelled to the bartender. The man did as told.

The kids have been let out safety but Karma, the mother of both children, is still inside.

"Fuck fuck fuck" Kacy mumbled as he rushed outside to his car. 

Kenton cracked his neck and began to have the room floor while he mumbled to himself. Karma slowly stood up against the wall and watched closely.

She didn't know if she should speak and try to get through to him or if she should stay to herself and focus on defending herself if necessary.  

Just as she was about to open her mouth to speak, Kenton's neck snapped in her direction. He didn't speak not one word as he charged in her direction , ready to wrap his hand around her neck.

Not knowing what else to do, she quickly raised her knee and it made direct contact with his balls, sending pain striaght through his body.

"Ahh!" He yelled, hunching over "You bitch" he went up straight and went to grab her neck again but she threw a right jab, hitting his right in his nose. She threw a left and got his eye. "Oh, you're a tough one huh? I love when they put up a fight"

He punched Karma in her face and went for her neck again, yanking her up and slamming her on the bed. He made direct eye contact with her and from the look in his eyes, she knew she needed to get up and keep him away from her for as long as possible.

She threw an elbow, and then recklessly threw punch after punch. Where ever it landed, it slowly but surely backed Kenton off her.

She didn't stop until he was on the floor, balled up. "And you called Kacy a pussy" she stomped on him, harder and harder each time before the last.

Karma ran towards the room door, not knowing it was locked and needed a key to be opened. She never remembered putting that there when she lived there so she figured Kenton put it there.

She cursed and made her way to the window. She quickly pulled it open and could hear many people yelling from the ground. She stepped out onto the roof and just as she was about to put out both feet, she felt herself being pulled back inside the room.

Kenton threw Karma against the wall and like she did to him, he stomped on her, each time harder than the last.

"How that feel?" He asked her. Karma covered her face and waited until the blows stopped coming. When they did, Karma was in so much pain, she couldn't even move.

Her body was picked up and thrown on the bed. She was in and out of a daze, she really had no idea what was going on.

But her eyes shot open and realization set in once she felt her panties being pulled towards her ankles. She sat up quickly, only to run into a hard fist that knocked her out.

"Now, for the fun" Kenton laughed as he unbuckled his pants.

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