"I think I might tell them this Friday. We have this Friday Family Dinner thing"

"Yes I think that's a good idea because it better for them to know than to find out unexpectedly"

"Do you think Jason will say yes? Because it's a big deal. All the press that will be at the charity gala, and my family can be pretty overwhelming"

"Jason will definitely say yes. Don't worry about that." I stated since it has always been Jason's dream to get photographed by paparazzi.

"Great thanks. I didn't mean to bore you with my life"

"It's fine I enjoy helping out others"

"Oh.. and of course you are invited to the gala too. You can bring a date...." His face got flustered as he said, "Or come on your own. I don't know why I assumed you had a boyfriend already."

"It's fine just relax" I said softly. Why was he so nervous.

"Sorry. It's just that he's been gone a while" he said as he flexed his fingers.
When I first met Mike I thought of him as very confident and it brought a smile to my face to know that Jason was the reason why he was acting like a boy going on his first date.

After a few more minutes of easy conversation Mike finally started to relax. He lost the nervous twitch his hands he would do every couple of seconds and he seemed to be actually laughing instead of the fake laugh that he was doing.

Just in time the man of the hour walked through the doors. He was wearing a pink button up shirt with jean shorts. He looked bright and cheerful and it matched the contagious smile on his face.

"Hey Mike" He said casually, pretending not to have noticed that Mike was here for thirty minutes since we had to wait for him to get ready.

"Hey you look handsome. You ready to go?"

"Yea" he grabbed his wallet and phone from the table and stuffed them into his pockets, "Bye Dee. Are you going to be fine on your own?"

Not wanting to ruin his good mood I responded with, "Yes. You two go and have fun"

I smiled at them as they walked out the door and into the waiting car. The way that Mike looked at Jason made me envious. I wanted that kind of love.

I went into our freezer and saw a container of ice cream and brownies that Maria probably made yesterday. Sitting down on my couch I ate the two snacks for lunch as I watched Grey's Anatomy.

Just as the episode started to get good my phone rang. It was Finn.

"Hey" I answered


"Sorry I didn't call you before. I have been busy with work" I partially lied

"Yeah I get it. I thought you were ignoring me"

"What? I would never ignore you"


"How did breakfast with Ed go?"

He sighed onto the phone "Started of extremely awkward but then we actually made conversation"

"So what I'm hearing is that you enjoyed yourself?"

"I wouldn't use the word 'enjoy' but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be"

Me and Finn talked for about an hour till he had to go. My mood was lifted after our conversation.

There wasn't much to do when my friends were busy. Usually I would be working so any time that I get off is spent sleeping. Now being a PA I have soo much extra time on my hands.

I walked into the kitchen and I took out the pre-made chicken caesar salad. While I was eating Maria came home.

I tried to make conversation with her but I wasn't in the mood. She soon noticed and she made her food while I placed my uneaten bowl of salad back into the fridge. I showered and changed into a tank top and pajama shorts.

I moped around the house for a while before I decided to retire to bed early. I turned of my alarm and jumped into bed. Before my eyes shut I reminded myself that I had the charity ball to attend on Sunday. Since it was Tuesday I knew I had a lot of time to get ready

I needed to ask Finn if he would be my date and I also needed to buy a dress. With this thought in my head I sank into my pillow

My shrill ringing had me groaning. Would Maria turn of her phone? I groaned and nuzzled into my pillow.

The ringing stopped and I sighed in relief. Before I could even drift into sleep the phone rang again and after some more rings I realized it was mine.

I stumbled onto the floor and grabbed my phone just before it stopped ringing. I didn't bother reading the contact name as I picked it up.

"Hello" I groaned

"Ms Suren where are you?" I groaned and smacked my hand on to my head.
"What?" my voice was hoarse since I had just woken up and I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Didn't you see my email? We have a business meeting today. It's 10:30 you are late. Where the hell are you? You know I don't like waiting"

Late for what? Valentina said he was staying home today. Why is he calling me? What meeting? Before I could ask my questions he said.

"I'm 5 minutes away. I already had Portia pick something out for to wear. Be outside in 3 minutes. Don't be late this time"

He hung up on me before I could explain myself. I placed the phone on the table and sure enough on my laptop was two email notifications.

Tuesday June 14
We have a business meeting tomorrow at noon. Be at the office by 9am for prepping. It's a formal meeting with many potential prospects I need you looking your best. I'm having Portia pick something out. Edmund is unavailable so the clothes will be in your office.
Ian McKinley

Tuesday June 14
Why are you not responding. Do I need to give you another speech about using technology. I don't like waiting Ms Suren. Respond now.
Ian McKinley

After reading the emails, I quickly rushed into the bathroom to freshen myself up. My hair was partially straight but due to the way I slept it was frizzy. I pulled it up into a sleek ponytail since I didn't have time for anything else. I used some gel on my baby hairs that were sticking up and my ponytail actually looked like I spent hours doing it instead of 30 seconds.

I quickly brushed my teeth and skipped a shower since I didn't didn't have much time. Thank goodness I took one last night. I shoved my laptop into my already packed work bag and looked for a bra.

All my comfy bras were tossed in my hamper so I grabbed the only bra I had left which was a red lace one. I rarely wore this bra since I never had the need for it and it made my breasts stand out too much. I changed my pajamas for leggings and an oversized shirt.

I threw some flip flops on and I rushed out of the house. Maria nodded her head in understanding as she saw me rushing around the living room.

I only had to wait outside for a couple of seconds till Ian pulled up in a dark blue four seater car. I didn't have time to admire the car since he yelled out, "Sit in the back".

In the back seat was another box that I knew had clothes in it.

"Change into them" he barked at me.

Was he crazy. I wasn't going to change infront of him after he blatantly disrespected me yesterday.

"Ms Suren you have already made us late. We don't have time to stop anywhere for you to change. So put the clothes on" he ordered from the front seat.

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