"I-I like you too." I confessed while looking down at the bed sheets.

He put his hand under my chin and made me look at him in his perfect eyes.

"You do?" He asked with a smile reaching all the way to his eyes.

I nodded. I couldn't speak. The next thing I know our lips where connecting. Moving in perfect rhythm. Our lips moved like they were meant for each other. And my heart was beating out of my chest. This was the perfect feeling.

We broke apart unfortunately needing oxygen. He laid beside me with his chest on my back and his arms around my waist.

I was almost fully asleep when I heard him say.

"I will always be there for you no matter what." Then he kissed my head.

I closed my eyes feeling all the stressed lifted off my shoulders.

UnKnown POV

"So the girl is Diaz's daughter?" the man was on the phone and was talking to our source that was undercover.

"This is perfect don't let her out of your sight. And remember we need he alive. That's how he wants her." The man reminded the voice on the other side of the phone. Then he hung up.

"Sir, we found the girl. What do we do now?"

"Now we wait. Our plan is unfolding perfectly."


Camila's POV

I woke up alone. I missed the warmth of Nick's body next to mine. But then I smelled it. The wonderful smell of pancakes.

I walked down stairs and saw Nick's still shirtless body making my favorite pancakes: Banana pancakes.

"Morning, babe." Nick said when I walked in the kitchen.

"Morning Nick. So what made you decide to make me my favorite pancakes?" I teased.

"Well someone, I have no idea who, but someone was upset yesterday. Also someone, I have no idea who, confessed something to someone and it ended up well. So this is a celebration."

He said while walking towards me and putting his hands on my hips.

"Now who can those people be? Man! I would love to congratulate them." I teased. While placing my hands on his neck.

"Umm. I believe those people are us." He teased back.

For the second time in the last 24 hours our lips connected again. It was pure bliss. I can't even explain any other way.

"I'm going to take you out on a date tonight." He said not asked but said."So I have no choice in weather to say yes or no?"

"Okay then. Camila Maria-Rosa Diaz will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asked with a smirk growing on his face.

"I don't know it's a little short notices mayb..." I started.

"Come on Cami. I will make it worth you time. Please I am begging you." He went down on his knees and put his hands together "Please Cami it will mean the world to me if the one and only Camila Maria-Rosa Diaz would go on a date with me. Please Camila?" He begged oh my lord  he was on his knees!

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