Chapter 41. Showtime

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Ethan's POV
I sat next to Shiloh in the booth and she quietly picked up the menu. "Get one of the milkshakes.. They're to die for!" I whispered as she nodded. I watched her silently as I she skimmed the menu. "Ow!" She yelled as I looked over at the boys. Ashton was the one to kick her under the table since he started mouthing to her that she needed to eat. "Hey, when was the last time you ate?" I whispered to her as she shrugged in response. "I think like a week ago, not sure." She replied, as if it didn't matter.

I whistled for the waiter to come over immediately. "Yes, Mr. Dolan?" The waiter asked me as I smiled. "Get my girl here your smoke shack burger, medium well. Along with a black and white AND a strawberry milkshake... Please." I answered as the waiter wrote it down. The boys quickly ordered and Shiloh sat there, glaring at me. "I like this guy!" Luke complimented me as I smiled. "Yea Shi, keep him around." Calum chimed in as she rolled her eyes.

We were around other tables, but they were thankfully filled with older people. So we weren't crowded with cameras and screaming. "Why did you order me all that?! I'm not going to eat it!" Shiloh yelled to me as my eyes widened. I've never seen this side of her, the angry side that truly does not want to eat. "Shiloh how much did you weigh when you were in the psychiatric hospital?" Michael asked as I looked dumbfounded.

"You were in a psychiatric hospital? When?!" I freaked and Ashton butted in, turning bright red. "That was my fault... I went to find her a therapist when we were still in Sydney.. And the place that we went to, it's not really a therapeutic place.. It's a mental asylum. They do tests on your brain and body that mentally and physically destroy you. The procedure they do in there... They take away your emotions." Ashton explained as he shivered.

"I was around 130.. I'm now down to I think 115-120. But, thanks guys for telling my life story when I'm sitting right here." Shiloh sneered as she stared around at all of us. The food was soon placed down and she stared at, fuming. "Just take a small bite, please?" I tried as she grumbled to herself and picked up the burger. She slowly but into it as if she was trying it for the first time. I watched her silently and I sipped a bit of my strawberry milkshake. "It's not that bad..." She murmured as I grinned.

"Eat as much as you can." I spoke as she nodded and she took another bite. We all made small conversation until Shiloh coughed. I glanced over and grinned at Shiloh's plate. Half of the burger was gone and the majority of the fries were eaten. The milkshake was completely finished and she actually leaned over and took a couple sips of mine. I started laughing as she looked at me. "What? I said I don't eat, doesn't mean I don't drink!" She replied as the rest of us started laughing. "Come on, we got a show to perform!" Luke yelled, checking his phone and then sliding out of the booth.

Ashton slammed an $100 bill (they transfer their Australian money every time they go to a country) onto the table and we walked outside to screaming and crying. When girls saw it was me, they screamed even louder and tried to get to me. I normally do hug them and write autographs, but now that I'm with Shiloh.. For the moment, getting her back on the tour bus is my first priority.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and shielded her from the paparazzi. We had forgotten that we had walked here... So now all six of us are running down the block, the crowd chasing behind us. "Come on, pick up the pace!" Luke yelled from in front of us all. "Sorry we....don't have....long legs... Luke!" Shiloh breathed out, panting. She should be used to this, she's the adopted daughter of a famous band.

We eventually got back to the bus and the engine had already been started. "The opening act is just coming on now, we have to get there.. Pronto." The security guard stated as we all nodded. The boys ran into the back of the bus to change and fix themselves. I turned around and laughed because Shiloh was on the floor, panting and all out of breath.

Shiloh's POV
When we piled into the bus, I fell to the floor; onto my back. I've never ran that much in my life and because of my health condition, that made it worse. I was seeing black spots in my vision. I closed my eyes and tried to slow down my heart rate, thinking that would help me. A couple of minutes later, I opened my eyes and nearly screamed. Ethan's hand went over my mouth before I could scream, and he was laying over me in push up position. "Shhh.." He whispered as he leaned down and then kissed me.

"Gross, get a room you two." Ethan and I both looked up to see Calum walking past us toward the door. We both laughed and Ethan pulled me up from the floor. "Is everyone ready?!" I screamed into the surrounding area as I got mumbles back. I walked outside to be with Calum and Ethan followed behind quietly. "Um Shiloh, you know the bus has been parked in the back lot of the venue right?" Calum questioned as Ethan burst out laughing.

"It's not funny.." I muttered, frowning at my stupid mistake. "Alright, come on.. We're about to be late." Ashton said as he walked outside of the bus with the other two behind him. We all briskly walked into the back entrance and the boys were rushed to hair and makeup. "Come on, let's head to their seating room. And then we can watch from backstage. It's actually a cool experience." I explained as Ethan smiled. As the both of us were walking, the boys ran past us with their instruments.

"Good luck guys!" I screamed as Mikey gave me a thumbs up. I walked into the seating room and looked around. It was filled with all types of food and drinks. "Now this, is what I call paradise." Ethan cheered as he grabbed a donut off the stand. "Come on! They're about to go on!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand and we ran to the curtain. Ashton always walked out first, and then Luke was always last. Michael and Calum switched for every concert who came out first after Ashton.

They opened the concert with a little bit of talking and then started playing Heartache on The Big Screen. "Hey Shiloh.. Who's this?" Ethan asked, holding out his phone. I glanced at it and my face paled. "Prisoner 901 has escaped custody. I repeat, prisoner 901 has escaped. Be on the lookout, he is age 40 and has a tiny beard. Stay in doors and lock them, may be armed." I slowly turned my attention back to the boys performing on the stage. "Shiloh.. Do you know that man? The escapee from prison?" Ethan asked and then I became confused.

He was arrested in Australia... How is he here in America? "Somethings not right... How did my father get to America? How'd he escape prison and come here?" I questioned as Ethan's eyes widened. "He's your father?! But your right, that doesn't make sense. Just because he escaped prison.. There's no way he could fly all the way from there.. Unless... Unless he forced someone too."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: hey........

Did you guys hear about Christina? 😞

She didn't deserve that, and I pray for her family and friends #PrayForChristina

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