Chapter 26. Freedom!

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Ashton's POV
We cancelled the rest of the tour- for America. I shut myself out from everyone and I haven't talked since that day. I was in shock, I still am in shock. I repeatedly messaged Shiloh's DM, never getting answer. I cried myself to sleep; even though Bryana was there with me. We felt bad cancelling.. But we had no choice. We have to get home, retrieve her body and have a proper funeral. I cried as we boarded the plan to Australia, knowing we'd soon be back in our home country.

As soon as the seatbelt light came on, I rushed to the bathroom. I placed my hands on the tiny sink, and pressed foreword so my back muscles stretched out. Tears kept flowing down my eyes, I was a complete mess. I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't, wouldn't process the idea of my daughter not being alive. There was a knock on the door, and I softly asked who it was. "It's me." Calum answered as I let him in. It was night time outside, so it was dark in the isles..

He saw me crying and wrapped his arm around me. "I don't wanna step foot into that house.. Not without her." I weeped, him rubbing my back. I heard him sniffle as well and he wiped at his eyes. "It's going to be tough, but we'll make it. She'll be watching over us. She's healthier, she's happy." Calum assured, wiping my face. "Why don't you come back to the seat, try and get some sleep." He questioned as I sadly nodded.

I slowly trailed behind Calum, passed the regular seating and towards first class. I sat back down in between Luke and Bryana. Calum looked over at me from across the isle and softly smiled. I decided I couldn't go back to sleep, at least not yet. I got out my phone and opened to my pictures. Did I want to do this? Did I want to torture myself by looking at photos of me and Shiloh? I sighed and put my phone away, I couldn't do it. I wasn't strong enough to bring myself to see her face.

I looked up at the ceiling of the plane as another tear rolled down my cheek. I still didn't want to accept it.

Shiloh's POV
I laid on my bed, still to weak to move. I still felt empty inside, like I was missing half of me. Drake, when my food comes, helps me to sit up against the wall. "What did you tell the boys? They haven't messaged me on Twitter at all.." I spoke, using what little energy I had. "I uh..." He trailed off as I squinted. "Drake.. What did you tell the boys?" I demanded, trying to muster up energy. "I told them you were dead.." He muttered as I gasped.

"WHAT?!" I yelled, and then coughed. "Shiloh... Are you feeling emotions?" Drake suddenly asked me, as my face drained itself of its color. "By screaming at me.. That's anger, confusion.. Fury, even. You shouldn't be feeling anything." Drake confirmed, staring at me. "I may have to go tell Professor Peculiar." He spoke, as my jaw dropped. "And what? Make me go through the procedure again? I thought you were my friend, I thought you wanted me to escape." I fired back, anger starting to flow through my veins.

He was right, in the beginning. I did feel empty, I felt I had nothing left of my identity. Then yesterday, something happened when I was alone in my room. I had gotten a massive migraine and the room spun, I actually remember blacking out. It was a couple of hours after the surgery, after Drake left so I could rest. When I woke up, I felt reborn. I tried crying, reflecting on my past.. And I did cry. I felt hurt, neglected, unwanted. I remember everything with my sister, and I cried for a good hour.

"I did want you to escape, truly I did. I felt bad, the adoptive daughter of a boyband stuck in a mental institute." I cringed at the word "boy band" and watched Drake with disgust. "They aren't a boy band. They're a punk-rock band." I told him as he rolled his eyes. "Who cares? I told them you're dead, now they think they're coming to pick up your body. But we run things here a little different." Drake replied, smirking.

"Are you going to kill me?" I questioned, as he stepped farther into my room. "Yes.. Of course, if you don't kill yourself first." He responded as he grabbed me by the shoulders. He dragged me from my room, toward the elevator. "Go tell Professor that your emotions came back. They'll figure something out." He ordered, pressing the elevator button. He pushed me inside and pressed the button for the first floor, and then stepped back out onto the fifth floor. He waved goodbye while sinisterly grinning.

I was on my own now, I needed a way out.

Michael's POV
After the ridiculous 8 hour flight home, we were running through the airport with our security guards. "Mikey! Throw me my bag!" Luke yelled as I threw it in mid-air and watched him catch it. We were also being chased by fans through the airport, the guards were doing their best. "We have to get to the asylum!" Ashton yelled, way ahead of us with his hand tightly on Bryana.

By the time we got to the waiting car, we were all panting erratically. "Let's go! Go! Go!" Luke screamed from behind me as I jumped and hopped into the car. After Luke got in behind me, he slammed the door shit and the car sped off down the road. Ashton looked a complete wreck, bags were back under her eyes and he looked utterly exhausted. We pulled up in front of the asylum. The sign was fixed and it still said "Sydney Psychiatrist Practice." I rolled my eyes and muttered "liars." The four of us got out and told the girls to stay in the car.

We pushed through the front doors and Ashton ran up to the front desk. "Shiloh Irwin!" He frantically screamed as the nurse looked up at him. "Mr. Irwin, we specifically-." "A-Ashton..?" We all spun on our heels to see Shiloh standing behind us, panting. She must have been running. "We were told you had died in surgery!!!" Luke screamed, his blue eyes turning dark with rage. I smiled at her figure, she looked healthy.. Her weight, her complexion.. Everything looked healthy. "I order you to release her." Ashton seethed from the desk. She ran over to me, her hair much longer now and still dressed in the gown.

I hugged her and wrapped my arm protectively around her. "I missed you guys so much!" She cried into me as I rubbed her back. "Ms. Irwin, didn't you have the procedure done yesterday?" The lady at the front desk asked as Shiloh slowly turned to face her. "Yes..." Shiloh answered as the lady picked up the phone. "We have a code 107. I repeat, code 107." She spoke into the receiver and then set the phone down. "What's a code 107?" Calum questioned, walking over to me and Shiloh.

"A code 107 is an escaped patient. A patient who just had the procedure and shouldn't even be out of her room. A code 110 is a patient who the procedure didn't work on, meaning.. Shiloh has to stay here even longer than November." The lady said, walking around the desk to come get me. Ashton and Luke stepped in front, shielding me away from the nurse. "She's not staying here any longer. It was my mistake that got her in here, now it's my job to get her out. Shiloh, let's get you home." Ashton said as the boys led me outside into the sun.

"Get it away!" I hissed at the sun. I was so used to lights only, no sun. The windows of the building were still being worked on. Calum opened the door for me and let me slide in. "Shiloh! The girls chorused as I briefly smiled at them. The boys got in after me and all watched me as we drove to the house. "Wow, you look... You're so... Wow." Luke trailed off as I blushed and Arzaylea huffed. "What's he's trying to say is, you look so healthy. You're hair looks healthy and its long. How much do you weigh now?" Lucy questioned, as I avoided her eyes.

"I now weight around 120.. I had to be a certain weight for the procedure so.." I said with disgust and annoyance. "What?! That's amazing!" Ashton exclaimed, grinning at me. "I had no room in that place to not eat.. The nightmares I would have after the counseling sessions... I'd wake up drenched in sweat and covered in vomit almost every night for the first month. "How's Logan and everyone?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. Michael's eyes widened from next to me and Calum coughed awkwardly.

"Um... About that..." Luke trailed off, all of them looking at me sadly.

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