Chapter 28. Leave my Sight

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Shiloh's POV
We had a few hours to kill before the party started. We're basically throwing ourselves a going-away party. "Shiloh! Help me blow up these balloons!" Luke yelled from the kitchen, sounding out of breath. I groaned and hauled myself off of my bed. I walked down to stairs too see the downstairs completely re-decorated. Streamers hung from almost everywhere and a banner was on the one wall.

Luke tossed me a handful of balloons and I hopped on the bar stool. I began huffing air through the tiny hole, watching the balloon blow up with air. I tied it with a tiny knot and placed it on the counter. I blew up another and then tied it. I huffed out a breath, gasping for air. "Tiring yourself out there, huh?" A voice spoke from behind me as I turned to see who it was. "Logan.." I murmured, more like a question. I hopped off the bar stool and walked over to him.

"You've changed so much.. You look great!" He complimented as he engulfed me in a hug. I awkwardly hugged him back. It felt weird being in his arms, I thought he was over me... and I was correct. "Um.. You're okay with us being broken up right?" He questioned, me slightly smiling and nodding. I was in no mood right now to have a boyfriend, I just escaped a mental asylum.. I needed time to heal first. "Yes, I'm cool with it." I assured as he patted me on the shoulder.

"Are you okay with me... If I continued dating Nellie? Before I go, can I get one last pic with you?" Logan asked, as I nodded. He stared into the camera and I made a weird face back. After he took it, he hugged me again before leaving my house. I wasn't even phased by this conversation. I knew it was bound to happen, I was away for 3 almost 4 months, that long time without communication.. I understood. He hugged me awkwardly again before leaving the house. "That was weird." Calum commented as I nodded. I sighed and went back to blowing up balloons. "Hey squirt." Mikey called as he walked past me.

"Uh, how many people are coming over later?" I asked turning to face the three boys and Lucy. "Just our friends, not a whole lot." Ashton confirmed, walking into the kitchen with Bryana trailing behind him. "I know what you were doing." I blurted, while smirking at them. "Whoa!" Calum yelled while laughing. "Haha!" Michael called out, clutching his stomach. Luke was wiping away his tears as Lucy and Arzaylea were giggling. Bryana blushed and Ashton coughed awkwardly.

We all got together to finish setting up. "Shiloh, go shower and then come back down." Luke ordered as I nodded and skipped up the stairs. I walked into my closet and skimmed through the racks. I'm glad it was August, that meant I could wear warm clothing and not be asked why. I braided my hair and then put the rest into a bun. I was dressed in a white/beige sweater and blue jeans. I slipped on my brown boots and slid my phone into my boot. I walked back down stairs and met the others as they looked at me.

"Why are you dressed like its winter time?" Mikey asked as I plopped next to him on the couch. "I don't know, I wanted to be dressed this way?" I answered as he simply nodded. "Have you eaten today at all?" He questioned, me shaking my head. "Well, it's 5:30.. People should be arriving soon.. You can eat something then." He told me as I nodded again in silence. "Did you tell the boys that I puked yesterday?" I muttered, playing with my hands. "No. I figured that we could keep it between us.. But, that if you did it again then I'd have to tell them." Michael answered as I looked over at him.

"Do you love me?" I suddenly asked, as he straightened his back. "What? Of course I do, you know that." He replied as he rubbed my cheek. "I-I... I love you too." I struggled to say, looking up at him. He hugged me before getting up off the couch. "I'm going to go shower, be back in a jiffy!" He exclaimed as he ran up the stairs. I laughed and got up myself. "Shiloh! Come help me bring in the food from the caterer!" Ashton screamed from the front door. I jogged over to Ashton and my eyes widened at all the food.

"This is for the party?" I asked, pointing at it. Ashton grinned and handed me boxes of random food items. "Put them on the dining room table." Ashton ordered as I nodded and wobbled over to the table. I set it down carefully and watched as Ashton had a hard time carrying the final food inside. "What the hell did you guys order?!" I said scanning over the items. "Everything!" Ashton laughed as I rolled my eyes.

After everyone showered, we all gathered in random places downstairs. We were waiting for the guests to arrive, so we could start the music. The doorbell rang and Calum shot up to answer it. "That should be the boys." He spoke excitedly as I furrowed my brows. I peeked around the corner to see One Direction walk in. My jaw dropped open as they bro-hugged 5SOS. A younger girl, around my age was standing behind them, quiet and shy. "Shiloh! Come out here!" Luke hollered as I trailed over to them.

"Shiloh, meet Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam. This is their adopted daughter Veronica." Veronica and I met eyes and then quickly looked away from each other. She looked oddly familiar to me. "Hi love, nice to meet you." Niall commented as he shook my hand. His Irish accent was thick and he was grinning. Louis pushed Veronica forward and we meet eyes again. Then, it clicked.. I knew her... She.. She was in the asylum with me! "Hi." She stated, a blank expression on her face.

She must have had the operation done.. And it must have worked. "Hey..." I muttered softly as the eight boys pushed us away from them to mingle. "We're you recently adopted?" I questioned, looking over at her. She nodded and slumped into my couch. "Yes. I'm from Melbourne, but was placed in the orphanage down the street." She responded as I nodded. "Were you.. By any chance.. Placed into Sydney Therapeutics? It's actually a mental asylum." I stated, as she looked up at me and something flashed across her eyes. "I remember you. Your Shiloh right? Shiloh Irwin, Drake's girl?" I curtly nodded my head again and looked away from her.

"I never liked you, you know and I still don't. You always seemed like a spoiled brat, you looked bitchy." She commented as I snapped my neck toward her. "Girls!" The boys chorused as we walked back into the kitchen. "Guess what!" Luke cheered while watching me. "What?" I asked curiously, quickly glancing at Veronica. "After we finish SGFG.. We're going on tour again with One Direction!" Calum and Ashton chorused as my jaw dropped. I looked over at Veronica to see her smirking toward me.

"Now you'll never leave my sight..." I muttered softly, hoping none would hear me.

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