Chapter 34. Being Watched

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Shiloh's POV
I was released from the Californian hospital two days ago. Ever since then, each person has been taking turns watching me. Bryana or Lucy stand in the bathroom when I shower, and they all take turns sleeping with me-except Michael. I still feel awkward around him, and Luke knows that. Calum and Ashton still have no idea that Michael even kissed me to begin with. Ashton kept trying to figure out why I wanted to kill myself, and why I would let Arzaylea even near me, or touch me.

I haven't eaten in I don't know how many days, but I could tell I was losing the weight, slowly. They boys were too consumed with the tour to notice, but Lucy picked up on it. "Shiloh. When was the last time you ate?" She asked, as all the boys looked up at me. "Um... I actually have no idea." I admitted, truly not remembering the last time I ate. "Well, you're eating now and that's final." Calum demanded, pushing his plate of food over to me. "I don't want it." I said, pushing it back.

"Shiloh. You're being so difficult.. Stop acting like a fûcking baby and grow up." Michael commented, as I stared at him in shock. His eyes suddenly widened as he realized what he said but it was too late, I was already running to my room. Everyone in the hotel suite chased after me, and Michael made it in in time before the door was slammed shut and was locked. "Go away!" I screamed as I grabbed a pillow and tried to throw it at him. He swiftly caught it and laid it on the ground.

"I don't want to talk to you!" I yelled, trying to be as far away as possible from him. "Shiloh please! I didn't mean what I said!" He cried, watching me. I sunk to the floor and brought my knees into my chest. "Please" he whispered as he began to crawl over to me. The boys and girls on the other side of the door, repeatedly banged on it, trying to get in.  Michael was now kneeling in front of me, his face streaked of tears.

"Just go away Mikey.. I-I can't be near you." I stuttered as he looked at me. "What? Why?" He questioned, now sitting next to me against the wall. I sighed and turned my head to look at him. "Because I told Luke that you kissed me and he's pissed about it.. And this... It's just.. It's complicated." I confessed, looking back down at the floor. "Shiloh Grace Irwin, look at me." He turned my face so I could look him in the eyes. "Do you really think a five year age gap matters to me? He asked, still holding my chin.

"No.. But it matters to me and to the boys, in fact it matters to the whole world. It's illegal Mikey, and I don't want to be in a secretive relationship. This, us, it's a mistake, it can never happen. It'll be easier if the both of us could just move on." I stated, as I saw him smirking at me. "What?" I asked dumbfounded. "You just said 'both of us' that means you like me back." He was now grinning as I scoffed and pushed him away.

"Okay.. I admit... But it's over anyway. We can't happen." I said again, looking up at him, since we were standing. "Guys! Let us in please!" Luke yelled from the other side of the door as I sighed and walked over to it. I opened the door and everyone ran in. Ashton stomped over to Michael and swung, causing a crunching sound to happen. "What the hell man?!" Ashton screamed as Michael tilted his head back to stop the bleeding. "What?" Mikey asked, staring at the ceiling.

"We just over heard everything. I overheard what the two of you confessed. This is so wrong, it's fucked up, really. She's a minor. A fucking minor, Michael!!! It can and will never happen!" Ashton screamed at the top of his lungs as I began to cry again. Calum and Luke pushed me behind them into the arms of Bryana and Lucy. Lucy and Bryana lead me out of my bedroom as Calum slammed my door shut.

"Do you really like Michael?" Lucy asked me as we walked to the kitchen. I sighed and rubbed my temples. "I honestly can't even think straight. I don't know what to feel.. I'm just so.. So, torn inside. Of course I love him.. I just can't decide on how." I replied as Bryana pushed a slice of pizza in front of me. "Eat." She spoke as I glared at her and took a small bite. "We're going to sit here until you finish the slice." Lucy commented as I groaned. After I slowly swallowed the disgusting slice of pizza, Lucy took my plate from me.

I smirked at them and their eyes widened as I dashed toward one of the other bathrooms. They were hot on my trail as I stopped short and then turned into Luke's bedroom. Lucy's body landed on top of me as I heard Bryana shout for the boys. "Release me at once!" I yelled as Lucy's arms wrapped around my sides. "You aren't royalty! You don't have to talk to me like that!" She yelled back as the boys ran into Luke's room. "What's going on?" He huffed, out of breath.

"Little miss not so sneaky tried to trick us and go puke up her pizza!" Bryana hollered, looking down at me. "Shiloh! You promised you'd try and get better!" Ashton screamed at me as I covered my ears. "This is too much screaming for me!" I yelled back at everyone as they all looked down at me. Lucy was now off of me, standing near Calum. I was surrounded completely, with no way out. I reluctantly took Ashton's hand so I could get up. "We're leaving early tomorrow to head to Canada. So go to bed." Luke said, anger laced through his voice.

I nodded silently and pushed through the boys, and headed to my room. "I'll be in there shortly!" Bryana called from Luke's room. I groaned in annoyance that I had to yet again, have someone sleep with me. I quickly changed into my pajamas and then zipped up my suitcase for the night. I got under the covers and stared at the ceiling. "Hey, it's me. Can I come in?" Michael called softly as I answered yes. He walked in and walked over to the bed. "I just wanted to sneak in before Bryana came in for the night. I wanted to see you, to wish you a good night." He pushed hair out of my fave as I looked up at him.

"I love you Shiloh, you remember that. Whether it's as a sister.. Or something more. I'll always love you." He spoke, smiling at me. "Is your nose alright?" I asked, looking up at it. It was swollen, black and blue, and still had a little of dried blood on it. "It'll heal." He promised, still smiling. We heard noises out in the hall and he quickly looked at the door. "Well, that's my cue. Night Shiloh." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

"Good night Mikey." I whispered back, watching him leave my room. I then heard him mutter an ow after being hit by probably Bryana. I quietly laughed to myself and shut my eyes, smiling at the boy with dyed hair.

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