Chapter 14. Rescued

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Michael's POV
I woke up, sitting at the counter, and my back hurt from the uncomfortable position. Luke was passed out next to me as well. "Mornin!" The cop said, him sitting at the table still; only eating a donut and drinking coffee. "Luke.." I whispered, while poking his cheek as he grumbled next to me. "Did you guys fall asleep?!" Ashton yelled from behind, me screaming and Luke jumping awake, just to fall off the chair. "What the hell, man!" Luke yelled at Ashton as he got up off the floor. "I thought you guys were going to stay awake?!" Ashton exclaimed.

Shiloh has been gone a whole week, and two days (It's currently Thursday). The longer she's not here, the quicker the four of us are losing hope.

Ash looked horrible. The bags under his eyes deepened, and he was now pissed off. "Mr. Irwin, calm down. If something had happened, I would have woken them in the night." The cop said as I slumped into the seat next to him. Calum soon came downstairs, yawning. "Cap! I think we've got something!" Another cop rushed in from outside. "Martinez! Great job, let me hear!" The captain said, taking the phone from Martinez. The captain set it on the table and turned the volume up. It was a report, from the police station by the house.

"The car came back in the night. It's leaving again now, we're going in." The captains eyes widened as he stood to his feet. "Everyone, I'm gonna need you to follow me to the outskirts of town. We're meeting the other police force, and then we're going full throttle on this. Now is our chance to save this girl." The captain said, speaking into his radio. "Boys, I suggest that you stay here.. But, if you'd like, you may come." He told us as we all grinned.

"Of course we're coming." Ashton hollered, the rest of us nodding. We followed him to his squad car and got in. All the other cop cars followed behind ours, and Ashton was shaking. "Why are you shaking?" Calum whispered to Ashton in the front seat. "I'm just nervous at what we might find." He replied, Calum squeezing his shoulder. "Sorry boys, like I said.. It's right outside of Sydney, it's a little ways down." The Cap explained, us staying silent.

We soon arrived at the other police station, and met up with the officers. "We don't know what we're going to find. Call an ambulance." The captain-whose name is Beatty- spoke to his officers. "Let's go." Beatty chorused, leading the four of us back to his squad car. We drove to the location of the house, and we looked at it in horror; it was completely run down and boarded up. It looked nothing like the ones surrounding it. "Now, I want you to stay in the car." Beatty ordered, us watching sadly from the windows. We didn't see a car in the driveway, but the house did have a garage.

Beatty's POV
"Be prepared for anything." I whispered to my crew, my gun out, steadily, Andrew could come back at anytime. The house was silent as we checked almost every room downstairs. "Half of you go upstairs, the other half keep looking down here." I ordered, everyone going to work. "Cap! I think I found something." Martinez yelled to me as I rushed over. It was stairs to the basement. We heard noise; it's a television. The both of us came down the stairs, and stopped when we saw a limp body on the mattress. Martinez found the light and switched it on.

The body, which we identified as female, hissed from the light. Her back was covered in dry blood, and her shirt was covered in blood stains, dirt and it looked as if she had gotten wet. Her brown hair was dirty and she was mumbling something. "Shiloh?" Martinez asked, her walking closer to the body. "Lydia, who is it?" Shiloh questioned, her voice raspy and hoarse. We had no clue who this Lydia girl was, but we had an idea. We heard footsteps above us and gun shots fired, as Martinez and I looked at each other. "Grab her and let's go." I stated as Martinez nodded and slowly picked up Shiloh. Andrew must have came back.

"You can't forget Lydia.." She whispered, laying her head on Martinez's shoulder and passing out. I briefly looked at the blood stained mattress and shivered. I looked around once, before following Martinez up the stairs. I checked the coast, and then made Martinez run outside to the waiting ambulance. I heard more gun shots coming from the backyard. I ran outside, and saw Andrew in the middle on his knees, surrounded by my force. I sighed in relief and walked inside as someone began to recite the Miranda rights.

When I walked outside, back to my car, all the doors were open and the boys were gone. I looked over to the ambulance, and saw them standing there. I frowned, and prepared to tell them.

Ashton's POV
"Is that our Shiloh?" Calum whispered, while watching in horror. The medic began hooking Shiloh up to all these machines. There was a little color to her face, and I noticed her stomach was a tiny bit bigger. Had she been eating? "I'm not going to lie to you boys, if the cops hadn't come today.. She wouldn't even be alive." The medic spoke while beginning to wipe down Shiloh's body. With the help of another medic, they flipped her over onto her stomach, so her back was visible. Luke turned away to puke on the side of the road, as Michael rubbed his back in comfort.

"She barely has any skin left.." Calum whispered next to me, laying his head on my shoulder. My eyes were widened in shock and I was silent. We all soon watched as the cops brought out her father, handcuffed and in another stretcher. So he must have been the one to get shot when we heard them going off. "Wow." The medic stated, purely confused at Shiloh's state. "How did she survive this many whip marks? It's clearly seen here that she was whipped at least once a day, maybe more. She's also wet, and has a little blunt head trauma.. Which means..." She explained to us, avoiding eye contact. I think she knew that if she met eyes with me, I'd begin crying.

"How many of you are riding with us back to the hospital?" The nurse-Molly- questioned. "I thought it was only the legal guardian that could come in?" Molly shook her head and said two people could fit. "Ashton, Michael, you two go. She's closest to you two. We'll meet you there." Calum stated, us nodding and beginning to drive away. I turned to look at Shiloh, now flipped back over. "D-do you.. Do you think he..." Michael trailed off as Molly shook her head again.

"No. There would be more bruises if he had done it." She confirmed, us sighing with relief. We arrived at the hospital and rushed in, as people came to take Shiloh away. "She has to go into surgery, I'll lead you to the waiting room." Molly suggested, Michael and I following behind her. "Why does she need surgery?" I begged her, needing an answer. "You saw how she was, and we need to run an MRI (I've had one done, they're not that bad.. But it depends on the person.) a CAT Scan, and some other tests. There's another thing.." Molly trailed off, my eyes staring up into her blue ones.

"Did the captain mention to you that Shiloh was talking to a girl named Lydia?" She explained as we shook our heads. "No, who is she?" Michael asked, also wanting to know. "Well.. When people are in these types of situations.. They tend to create companions, someone that can be there to help them get through what they're going through." She told us, now sitting next to us. "So, you're basically saying that while Shiloh was there.. She turned schizophrenic?" I slowly asked, Molly nodded. "It might have always been there, it's commonly known as your sub-conscious (and I know it's not since schizophrenia is a brain disorder, but just go along with it!) and the subconscious part can materialize a person, so that specific person can see and have a conversation with it."

I placed my head in my hands, trying to take it all in as Luke and Calum ran in. They sped walked over and sat next to us. "Where's Shiloh?" Luke questioned curiously. "Surgery.." I muttered as he nodded. "Ashton, boys, Shiloh will be fine. It might only be a one time thing, Lydia might disappear forever after all this is over and dealt with." Molly assured as she stood up. "I'll notify you when surgery is over and when you can see her, for now.. You just have to be patient." She spoke, one last time before walking away. "What's happened now?" Calum asked as I looked over at him.

"Molly says that Shiloh created a girl named Lydia, when she was with her father. That, Lydia helped her get through the tough times. Molly claims that Lydia should go away after all this is over.. Hopefully." I murmured as Michael put an arm around me. "The fans are worried sick about us, you know. We haven't kept them updated.. Not even our own families. The cops decided to take things into their own hands, and made up a lie. They said that Shiloh had been kidnapped, and that we're working on finding her. " Luke said, as we watched him. "Well, we can't exactly tell them that Shiloh is going crazy. That's personal and private. Just tell the fans that Shiloh is back, and on the road to recovery." I responded, him smiling over at me.

"I'm just happy our baby is with us again. She's safe, she's been rescued." Michael commented, all us agreeing with him.

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